Nothing quite says Spring like fresh blooms and buds. I love getting out in the sunshine and exploring local gardens, even my own backyard. The weather is starting to improve and even those Spring rains that gently wash everything clean can be a joy to capture.

Document the change of season

If you tend to visit the same gardens, even your own garden regularly, taking your camera is a terrific way to document the change of season. Capturing what is in bloom from season to season, even fruits and vegetables can be an enjoyable pastime. I adore getting amongst it all with either my 90 mm macro lens or my Lensbaby lenses.

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Observe the birds and the bees

There is often a lot happening in Spring, the birds are busy nesting and finding mates. The bees are super busy and many insects that have been laying low during the cooler months are much more active again now the days are getting slightly warmer and longer. If things are not quite so close at hand, try a zoom lens, my Tamron 70-300mm is fantastic for just these sorts of photos.

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Dragon Fly

Superb Fairy Wren

South Easter Bandicoot

Superb Fairy Wren

Blossoms and bees

Add a sprinkle of rain

Those wonderful Spring rain showers that wash the world clean are a fabulous time to get out in the gardens too. A little rain never hurt anyone and many cameras are at least moisture resistant these days. If you wait in between showers, put a rain cover or plastic bag over your camera and lens. Or even use an umbrella. You can capture some truly amazing images with raindrops on leaves and buds. Even try a little reflection or refraction photography.

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What are you waiting for?

So what are you waiting for, grab a jacket and your camera gear and head out to the local botanic gardens, or even just your own backyard? Clear the mind, and enjoy some solitary me time, or enjoy with friends and grab a coffee afterward. Spring is such a fantastic time to be out exploring.

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Tell your story with the second annual Visual Storytelling Conference!

Experience four days of interactive, online training sessions featuring a range of educational content with experienced photographers and content creators. This free event kicks off with a series of technical boot camps to build essential skills, followed by live, online sessions on photography, video, business and social media. Join live from March 10-13, 2022!

Get your free ticket, or save on a VIP pass!

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