Religious books do not necessarily need to convince you about one thing or another – sometimes, building a connection with the divinity will simply change your life around. A bit of inspiration has never hurt anyone and if you are a Christian, you do not need anyone to convince you about anything. All in all, when it comes to pushing your motivational side or rediscovering yourself, here are some of the most inspirational Christian books to show you the way.

Brighter Days, by Eziaku Odimuko

If you are sick and tired of seeing negativity all around you, facing one challenge over another or dealing with injustice on a daily basis, this book is for you. It makes no difference if your days feel dull or you simply want a brighter feeling to push you through days – this book will show you what it takes to find joy, hope and love.

Brighter Days becomes your day-by-day companion to provide some comfort while dealing with daily struggles. It is written in a friendly and personal manner that will inspire you to seek the good parts in anything you see or deal with. The author talks from personal experience – a pastor’s wife, a mother and a daughter.

With years of experience serving in ministry and empowering people from all walks of life, she knows what it takes to motivate people and bring joy in relationships and interpersonal connections. Bottom line, this book will give you feel good vibes, whether you go through it before going to bed, on a Sunday afternoon or while on holiday.

Battlefield of the Mind, by Joyce Meyer

This book aims to tackle some of the most common everyday issues people have to deal with. No matter what you do, you will always experience anger, fear, confusion, doubt and worry. These things attack your mind and push you in the wrong direction, leading to bad decisions that often come up with bad outcomes.

Joyce Meyer is one of the most motivational authors out there and has helped millions of people with her books. She is a minister with years of experience, as well as the right attitude to change one’s mindset to 180 degrees. At the end of the day, everything is related to how you respond to all these things and not necessarily what happens to you.

The author shares things and challenges from her own life. She discusses her marriage and the challenges associated with it. She describes bad days and what it took to get over them. It is all about the motivation to tackle things differently and she explains everything in step-by-step guides, making this release one of the most inspiring Christian books.

The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren

This book is a bestseller and it is easy to understand why. It will help you identify your goal on this planet. God has a plan for everyone and while many people fail to identify what is written for them, this book will help you get there and determine what to do next.

Rick Warren’s book is practically a guide. This spiritual challenge will take you through a 40-day journey that will answer the most important question people have – what am I here for? Everything is straightforward and explained with simple words, straight to the point.

Knowing your purpose will work wonders in your life and the author clearly explains why. Forget about stress and learn where to focus your energy. Your decisions will be much easier, but more importantly, you will find some meaning in your life – one of the most inspirational Christian books out there.

Love Does, by Bob Goff and Donald Miller

Love can be inspiring and it can definitely help you identify your goals in life when you have a connection with divinity. Bob Goff has been through everything – survival adventures, important meetings with heads of state, friendships with people in the middle of nowhere and so on.

This man has become a legend for many. Too many of his friends, he is a secret who can help anyone out there – this is how this book came out. As a result, you now have access to a collection of tips and advice from one of the wisest people on the planet. But then, what makes him so good? Where is the catch?

According to Bob Goff, it is all about love. This is not the kind of love you express with feelings, but the love that requires action. Life can be appealing if every single day becomes an adventure. It can be exciting and can become a story to tell later on. This is the mindset he is trying to push into others.

Nobody Left Out, by Michael Murray

Jesus walked on this planet and spent time with people. He met people from all walks of life. He spent time with a lonely thief, a random dinner guest, a criminal and so on. Now, what do all these people share? What do they have in common?

To keep it simple, they have all dealt with the messiness of life. Some of them ended up in mess due to their own irresponsible actions. Some others were born in mess – they saw nothing else, so mess became a lifestyle for them.

Then, everyone became part of God’s story and nobody was left out. This book evokes eight different stories about Jesus and broken people. These are motivational and inspirational stories that will simply get you closer to God.

He Chose the Nails, by Max Lucado

This book goes in a few different directions. Max Lucado has managed to come up with one of the most inspiring Christian books out there, as well as a detailed guide on how to improve your life by learning from others – simple as that.

This is the type of book that will take you closer to God. Everything is described in such small details that you will simply feel like being part of the story. Hang around with the cavalry around the hills. Touch the timber, then push the nail into your hand. What does it feel like?

Touch the velvet. Watch the tools of torture and listen to the stories they might want to tell you. The book is a mix of different stories that feel extremely realistic. It is the type of book that will strengthen your connection with divinity in a pleasant and comforting manner.

Become a Better You, by Joel Osteen

There is always a better version of yourself out there. No matter how good, kind or compassionate you are, there is always room for more. You are authentic, but you can always improve yourself. You can keep growing round the clock and you can always go further. Most people just settle down though.

This book aims to push you to become the better version of yourself. It will give you purpose and it will transform your life. There is karma everywhere – the better you become, the better things around you will be too. It is all about your destiny.

The book features a bunch of personal stories from the author’s experience, but it also throws in a few biblical lessons that anyone can learn from. It is pretty straightforward, rather than a general guide. Practically, you have seven action steps that will make the transformation a breeze.

Get Out of Your Head, by Jennie Allen

How captive do you feel? How much power do your thoughts have over you? No matter how hard you try, it will never be enough – there are people out there with much better lives without even trying too hard. This is what the book is trying to give you – a way to overcome your self-imposed limitations and negative thoughts.

Jennie Allen has figured everything else by herself. God has come up with a plan, so you can always escape the downward spiral. But then, freedom asks for a bit of work – you need to go against your thoughts and get rid of the negativity.

You have the tools. You have the motivation, but you lack the plan. This is when Get Out of Your Head kicks in. This book will change your mindset overnight. It will boost your connection with divinity and push you in the right direction. Once you get over these thoughts, your possibilities become limitless – there is nothing to stop you.


As a short final conclusion, these are some of the most inspirational Christian books out there to push yourself forward. It makes no difference why you need some inspiration, just like it makes no difference whether or not you actually need the motivation.

Feel free to enhance your connection with God and discover your purpose of this planet. Grow a better version of yourself and change your mindset to adopt a healthy lifestyle that will give you countless opportunities. Believe it or not, it is all up to you – this is the step that most people fail to consider.

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