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Three years since the last VOYD release, SVDDEN DEATH returns with the next installment in this unique audio/visual journey. Whereas the first and ‘first and a half’ volumes of VOYD were only five and nine tracks respectfully (and even 1.5 was 4 originals, 1 VIP, and 4 remixes), VOYD Vol. II is a staggering 18 tracks totaling a full hour of madness.

Sound design and arrangement are the names of the game with this release. Though to the untrained ear this might all sound like “just another riddim album,” the degree to which every sound is tuned and perfected, and the arrangement therein, is actually mindboggling.

When Your EDM asked SVDDEN DEATH when VOYD Vol. II was coming earlier this month, he gave a predictable answer: “soon.” Little did we know that meant just under three weeks later.

Check out VOYD Vol. II below and be sure to catch his performance at Ultra Music Festival next weekend!


Photo via Rukes.com

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