​Social media is a giant and has taken over the whole world. People can actually work on social media, start a business, promote their work, make connections and get in touch with relatives abroad. However, there is more to social media and the more you know about it, the better you can use it in your favor. At the end of the day, this phenomenon can be just as harmful. All in all, here are some of the best books on social media to explore this modern trend.

Social Media 101, by Daniel Zane Bryan

This book has been written for those who have lost the battle with social media. It is structured in more chapters and provides access to the 11 most popular social media applications based on their popularity. Find out what they are, how they work and who they are suitable for – become familiar with their purpose.

Social media will not go away too soon. People interact on it and they keep gaining more and more power. There are plenty of websites and applications out there, from instant messaging to picture sharing. Some networks are designed for content, while others are all about videos and pictures.

By the time you are done with this book, you will know precisely which social media (if any) is suitable for your needs and what you should expect from it. While new platforms kick in on a regular basis, these front runners are likely to keep dominating the market, so this is what you have to focus on.

Influencer, by Brittany Hennessy

This social media book will teach you everything it takes to become an influencer. If you think about it, you wear fashionable clothes, you eat avocado on a daily basis and you like going on holidays and taking pictures of sunsets. You do what most influencers do anyway, so how come you are not famous?

Every influencer out there started from scratch, with no followers at all. They made mistakes and learned many lessons the hard way. However, consistency and hard work helped them make more money than their parents. Being an influencer seems like an easy task, but what does it take to get there?

As a prolific blogger and strategist, the author has seen influencers evolve over the past decade. Most people would never imagine this category of people would gain so much notoriety, but here it is – years later, these people actually make money out of social media. This book will reveal all the secrets.

Trust Me, I’m Lying, by Ryan Holiday

This is one of the best social media books on the realities of this phenomenon. You have seen it happening before. A simple rumor can cost a big company millions. Political issues can destroy someone’s chance to win elections. On the same note, anonymous people become overnight celebrities.

Believe it or not, someone is actually behind all these. Someone is responsible for what has just happened – someone like the author of this book. Ryan Holiday describes himself as a social media manipulator. In a world where fake news is everywhere, his role is to control these rumors.

International blogs drive the agenda. Bloggers are dedicated to the money they make, as well as the deadlines they have. On the other hand, manipulators reshape reality to make things happen based on where their paychecks come from. The author is ready to reveal all these.

Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now, by Jaron Lanier

Jaron Lanier is one of the first scientists to ever warn the world about the potential dangers of social media. He has written a few books on social media, but this one is by far the most controversial release. It comes with good arguments, evidence and scientific facts, so it is totally worth your time.

The book is self-explanatory. You gain access to 10 different arguments on why social media is toxic for you. You will also understand why liberating yourself from these chains will bring nothing but positive changes to your life – simply put, it will transform your entire life.

This is not manifest. Instead, you understand how social media works and why its effects can be quite dangerous. Arguments are simple and straightforward. Indeed, social media is addictive and hard to quit, but a few weeks without it will make your life better.

Hit Makers, by Derek Thompson

There are no doubts about it – nothing goes viral overnight. If you imagine that a video goes viral out of nowhere, you are wrong. Every viral thing out there has a bit of history – a cult behind it, some broadcasters or some influencers. You are missing the main story if you think otherwise.

Even a great idea will fail if it does not connect to the proper network. At the same time, the initial consumers are not necessarily the fans. Instead, they are friends and family. This is how the word spreads and this is how things go viral in the long run.

Derek Thompson investigates the psychology of what people like and why they do it. The author proves that quality is not good enough for success. It sounds like a brand new world, but failures are often among the most common viral videos and pictures.

Chaos Monkeys, by Antonio García Martínez

This book comes from someone who has been inside the bubble. It follows the unusual evolution of social media, but it also reveals how such things invade everyone’s lives in the attempt to take over. Antonio García Martínez calls himself a chaos monkey – one of those people who are responsible for testing services over the Internet or correcting mistakes before they even occur.

His philosophy is fairly simple. Investors have too much money, but not enough time. Employees have plenty of time, but not enough money. Then, you have the entrepreneurs – a seductive career that goes between the two other categories. This book shows how social media affects your daily life and brings in a few secrets most people are simply not aware of.

The author has tried his own startup, attempted a Wall Street career and eventually ended up working for Facebook. He disagreed with the company’s strategies, so he was forced out, only to land at Twitter. He has done pretty much everything in real life too – brewed illegal beer, fathered a few children and raced sports cars – an insight into Silicon Valley and what it means, as well as the effects of social media.

The Social Organism, by Michael Casey and Oliver Luckett

This is one of the deepest books on social media because it comes from two tech moguls. It is a groundbreaking social media book that reveals a plethora of different aspects. It underlines how social media works all over the world, but it also targets the evolution of human culture. At the same time, people master digital stuff for more reasons – from actual profits to personal entertainment.

Oliver Luckett had a revelation one day. He was hiking through a national park and started thinking about his days in microbiology. This is what he compares social media too. It is basically an organism. It breathes and it feeds, but it also grows – or better said, evolves. Both authors come up with unique theories on how social networks operate.

Throughout this book, social media is constantly compared to a creature. It mimics everything related to the biological life. Mastering it is, indeed, a challenging task. It takes time and proper understanding of how everything works. There are cells, functions and viruses that alter this organism and becoming familiar with all these aspects can push you in the right direction.

Hashtag Authentic, by Sara Tasker

From some points of view, this is a guide. From other points of view, it is a life story. Social media expert Sara Tasker provides a deep insight into this aspect, as well as guidance, advice and tips on how to make social media work for you. The book is mostly aimed at Instagram, which has become one of the most successful photo-sharing social media networks.

Sara has started her Instagram account in 2013. Time flew and she discovered its inner insights, only to become an authentic influencer. Her calm and unique style made her stand out in the crowd. This book introduces readers to some of the lessons she has learned the hard way.

From storytelling, unique styles, pictures, composition aspects, lighting and other aspects related to growing an Instagram account, this book has everything you need to get the job done in no time.


Bottom line, these are some of the best books on social media to understand how this industry works, what it needs and what pushes it forward. While there are no marketing guides in the above-mentioned list, you will find tips and guides on how to master social media for your personal growth. Moreover, you can learn how to keep it under control, rather than let it master every aspect of your life.​

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