Whether it comes to your love life, career or just general relationships with those around you, there are certain aspects in your life that need some improvement. While happiness is often a matter of a good mindset, the truth is everyone gets stuck in one situation or another. Luckily, there are ways to get out and most of them imply training your mind – a bit of help will never harm. All in all, here are some of the most practical self help books to give you a hand in the process.

A Love Attempt, by Morhaf Al Achkar

Everyone out there needs some love. People are desperate for it – it is in human nature. In order to satisfy their own needs, people often take deformed shapes of love for granted. But then, such shapes are not always genuine. Sooner or later, people realize they are in the wrong relationships – what a waste of time and feelings.

The author is a family physician with stage four lung cancer. Ever since his diagnostic, he has helped dozens of people like him find love with their illnesses. This book is based on interviews with his patients. He has tried to figure out how people find a meaning of love, but also how they cope with challenges hitting them out of nowhere.

This book will show you the pragmatics of love, how to love by figuring opportunities, reconstruct when love seems broken, understand how communication helps love and discover the right strategies to build a solid relationship. The book is extremely practical and provides access to a plethora of exercises to help in literally any type of situation.

Habit Stacking, by S. J. Scott

This is one of the most practical self help books out there and teaches the reader how to implement not less than 127 healthy habits into their daily routine. Everyone aims for a better life, but not everyone has the time to work on it. Luckily, there are ways to do it by the book and they only take a few minutes.

Habit stacking kicks in to make your life easier. It is a mix of one routine and multiple habits. Indeed, adding multiple habits overnight could be difficult, but adding a few a day and sticking to them will most likely add to the quality of life. In the long run, all these rituals will work wonders on your life.

The author also explains what makes habit stacking so important and helpful. This idea works perfectly because you simply get rid of the stress associated with too many changes in one go. The plan is to stick to a single routine that barely takes 20 minutes to complete – a mix of habits that will become a daily routine.

Mating in Captivity, by Esther Perel

Esther Perel has a tough job here. The author deals with all kinds of obstacles associated with love and passion. She invites the reader to explore the mix between sexual desire and domesticity, but she also underlines the factors required to bring lust back into the bedroom – a very practical guide for couples lacking desire after too many years in a relationship.

The author has based this book on a series of cases she dealt with over 20 years in this industry – couples who describe their love lives to be perfect, but sexually dull. So, where is the catch then? The author analyzes sexual excitement, its correctness and its issues. More exciting personal lives are possible, but they do require a bit of work.

Mating in Captivity tells the reader why this domestic realm may feel like a prison. However, the author also analyzes bedroom dynamics and provides excellent advice on how to change everything in bedroom. It is a highly practical guide that offers specific and straightforward advice for a series of common situations.

How to Change Your Mind, by Michael Pollan

This book has raised a series of controversies when it first came out – written by an admired writer, but touching a sensitive topic that many people might be concerned about. It targets a simple concern – can psychedelic drugs actually change the way people see the world? If yes, how?

LSD was initially discovered in the 1940s. Initially, it was seen as an incredible way to a psychological revolution. It seemed to help mentally ill patients, but also explore the depth of consciousness. Further research was banned a few decades later.

The book analyzes Michael Pollan’s experiences with drugs like LSD, DMT and psilocybin. While banned, these drugs are believed to have incredible effects over the human body. To some, such things might be the future of humanity. Still controversial today, the book is definitely worth a read.

The Art of Living, by Epictetus and Sharon Lebell

Born around 55CE, Epictetus came out with a book that is still used today as a guide. He was a slave in the Roman Empire and eventually ended up getting free. He established a Stoic philosophy school that gained notoriety. The overall idea was fairly simple to understand – humans cannot actually control life, but only how they respond to it.

Based on this idea, Epictetus has tried to come up with a guide to finding fulfillment and happiness. The philosophy was all about finding tranquility. The book is one of the most practical self help books out there and brings in 93 wise pieces of advice and instructions – straightforward and very simple to apply in everyday lives.

The book will teach you how to respond to different types of challenges in the most efficient manner. You can avoid loss of any kind, but also deal with disappointment in a graceful manner. Sharon Lebell has grabbed all these tips and instructions and adapted them to today’s society for an even more efficient guide.

Loving What Is, by Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell

Katie has been there – the dark place where most people end up every now and then. She was depressed and filled with rage, as well as suicide thoughts. One morning, she woke up happy and full of joy. She realized that her suffering was over. It happened overnight, like magic. She tried to figure out what it was and she put everything in a book.

Loving What Is is not her first book. She figured out everything in a previous release – The Work. This new release will teach the reader how to achieve the same high level of happiness, regardless of what they go through. Human problems are extremely diversified – from love life and sex to a death or a career loss.

The book offers answers and mindset solutions to the most common problems out there. From some points of view, this book could be described as the second part of The Work. However, you do not necessarily need to go through the previous release in order to benefit from its incredible advice and instructions.

The Sedona Method, by Hale Dwoskin

Believe it or not, this method has been proven effective by a few studies conducted at Harvard. It is not too complicated, but efficient and easy to implement. It boosts the inner security and wellbeing from day one.

This method can help the reader overcome negative thoughts and feelings, which are more common during harsh and great challenges. It works in no time and can lead to a more productive and happier life in the long run.

This method will basically tap on the natural ability of the human body to let go of negative stuff. Results may often seem miraculous. All in all, this is not a quick fix for particular situations, but a straightforward guide to lead to inner mastery and exquisite happiness.

The Big Leap, by Gay Hendricks

The Big Leap comes from a New York Times author. This is not the first book of this kind. He began his successful self help venture with Five Wishes. However, The Big Leap takes everything a bit further and proves to be one of the most practical self help books out there – lots of straightforward advice, tips and tricks.

The goal of this book is fairly simple to understand. Everyone has barriers. Many of them are self created. Overcoming them is the hardest part in the process, but definitely not impossible. Moreover, you have all kinds of beliefs and fears – many of them false.

If you loved books by Marianne Williamson or Wayne Dyer, this book will come in handy. It is useful, efficient and direct.


Bottom line, these practical self help books will help you overcome obstacles and push for a better life. It will break down the walls to success and happiness by pushing you towards a different approach in life. The best part? These are not some general guides with random information – instead, you get straightforward solutions to everyday problems. They will help you get over some barriers in life – many of them raised by yourself in an unconscious manner. Simply put, they will take you to an incredible level.

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