g jones eprom

Jimmy Pé won’t mind calling himself a broken beat explorer. His cut-up electronica is gradually finding its way to a worldwide audience, already catching the ear of The Gaslamp Killer, Flying Lotus, Baauer, Dj Craze, Tokimonsta, UZ, Lefto, Daedelus and many others. He released music on labels such as Slow Roast Records, Quality Goods Records, Saturate Records, and others.

Now, he’s back with a thundering new single, “Pé Is Not Dead!” that is utterly irresistible. Pé’s talent in the studio shines on this one, seamlessly cutting up vocal samples that cut in and out of a groovy house rhythm, powered by a wubby bass.

In addition to the single, he’s also released a music video to accompany that’s weird, outrageous, and hypnotic all at the same time. The story expressed is of two reckless, unhinged killers, who get their fix through taking the lives of victims via their lethally produced music. After successfully accomplishing their goal twice, it is the 3rd potential victim where the story takes an unexpected turn.

See it for yourself below!

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