Define your photography. Something we are sometimes told we should do. Specialize in one thing. Do we really have to?

This is not to say you cannot photograph other genres or subjects. Though if you read enough out there you’ll feel like you’ll never be good or succeed at photography if you don’t just stick with one thing.

I’ve been posting a series of themed images on my Instagram account as a way to do a few things:

  • It’s a great way to go back through old, unedited images and clean up your endless amounts of images
  • Doing this helps you to focus and figure out what you shoot the most
  • It can be a great creative way to showcase your work
  • It’s a great way to tell stories

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define your photography

define your photography

define your photography

define your photography

define your photography

define your photography

One of the comments that a friend made on one of my recent portrait series images was this:

“Previously I hadn’t thought of you as a portrait photographer, but dang girl you are really rocking this series!”

That comment prompted a whole slew of thoughts which I’m going to expand on because I know it’s something many of us think about and sometimes stress over.

In fact, this subject comes up over and over every so often. Here is another article I just wrote that shares a great conversation from a photography group I’m in.

Define your photography

If someone asked you to define your photography, what would you say? Personally, I struggle with this or used to. I’ve gotten better about being more general and describing myself as a fine art photographer. This covers a wide range of genres really. So then I break it down because many ask what that means.

The answers to this will vary, obviously, depending on what you do with your photography. Are you running a portrait business? Wedding? Do you strictly photograph wildlife, nature or street scenes? The thing is, many of the photographers that I know photograph so much more than just one or two subjects. We all seem to have a love of capturing light and life. Of photographing what we see or what we feel compelled to record with our cameras.

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define your photography

define your photography

define your photography

I think that’s OK. Otherwise, wouldn’t you get bored? I would and do. I do understand that to make a business work and be successful it’s better to focus. Even then, I hope you still go out and create images that speak to you even if they’re not within your business scope.

Something to consider

So, think about this. It’s all part of the growing, learning and creating process in my opinion.

How about you? Do you have an easy or hard time defining your photography? I’d love to hear your opinions on this topic; share them in the comments here.

Tell your story with the second annual Visual Storytelling Conference!

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