It’s your choice to decide if your windshield will be bigger than your rearview mirror

As a reader, you are coming up on what you dreamed about, planned for and looked forward to for many years: retiring from your professional job and starting a new adventure.

The purpose of this book is to help you plan the adventure of your lifetime!

You can proceed to design and create what you’ve dreamed of for years, because it’s in your control.

This book will not deal with the financial side of retirement planning. This book is totally focused on ideas to help you create your new adventure of retirement.

You will be creating your own calendar. How’s that for a fresh start! How you choose to fill your calendar is up to you.

The author will help you focus on being useful and significant. Creative and productive. He will have you focusing on utilizing your abilities to help others, all the while giving you a tremendous feeling of satisfaction and usefulness.

The author stresses the point that you are in control of how you wish to think about planning your new adventure!

Read online Retirement: Your New Adventure! by Bob Boylan

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