How To Make Toilet Training A Breeze

Potty training is a challenge for every parent out there and sooner or later, you know you will have to deal with it. Luckily, there are many guides over the Internet, as well as certain books to help you achieve a good job. From challenges and awards, there are numerous tricks to keep your little one interested and willing to learn. But then, this is not a classic one way system – instead, both parts need to cooperate for a good final result.

In other words, you might be able to do it in the long run, but you want your kid to be interested in it too – faster, smoother and more efficient. The good news is there are plenty of games out there, not to mention books for kids. All in all, a little education will inevitably lead to a good cooperation and successful results. Before moving on, here are some of the best potty training books with humor for children – something to keep your little one interested.

No Karate in the Potty, by Salvatore Mautone

Start our list with a new release, No Karate in the Potty is a fun read, where the older sister teaches her younger brother how to handle the potty naturally. Meanwhile, a cheeky little ninja would like to grab their attention with his martial art knowledge. The sister’s green parrot also enters into the story by helping Charlie and Hudson avoid the distraction of this small ninja.

While the story is full of humour and adventure, the story cleverly teaches the small ones the right toilet usage, including washing hands at the end. The colorful characters — even the small ninja — are very relatable, and easy to remember. They all have their own purpose in the book.

The author did a really great job with the drawing part, this picture book is simply charming! All illustrations are modern and beautifully drawn. It isn’t an easy job to implement an educative topic into a picture book, but the author managed to create a compelling and entertaining children’s book. Highly recommended for parents who are looking for a modern potty training book!

Push The Dookie, by Nicholi Victor

Push The Dookie could be the ideal book for your little one. It is written as a picture book with a bit of text and the right type of education for children to understand. In fact, the book has been specifically written for kids aged between two and four – lots of detailed and straightforward pictures to help in the process.

The book is inspired from Nicholi Victor’s teenage years. Back then, the author used to help his younger cousin overcome the fear of using the potty. He used to sing a short song and believe it or not, it always worked. Since then, the author used the same song for a bunch of other kids and it has always helped.

These days, parents from all over the world have the opportunity to potty train their little ones in a fun and entertaining manner. The song mixed with the graphics will work like a charm for your kid. All in all, the book is suitable for kids in preschool and older.

Everyone Poops, by Tarō Gomi

Everyone Poops is one of the top rated books for potty training. The title represents the English translation, but the book has originally become a classic in Japanese. It was written and filled with illustrations by Tarō Gomi, one of the best rated children’s authors.

Initially published in 1977, the book was part of a bigger series. The English translation may feature a few different variations, depending on where the book is available or sale – for instance, it is sold as Everybody Poos in The UK. Apart from English, the book has been translated in Thai and Spanish too.

Everyone Poops is designed as an educational resource – in a fun way, of course. It teaches children about animals and it tells children that animals have always defecated and they will always do. Sooner or later, your kid will inevitably follow the example too.

Once Upon A Potty, by Alona Frankel

Once Upon A Potty is written for children and helps them understand the benefits of using a potty. With the initial release hitting the market in 1975 and specifically aimed at boys only, the book has become a classic for parents interested in various techniques about potty training.

Originally written in Hebrew, the book features a few different editions – some of them for girls too. It has also been translated in more languages and sold in millions of copies all over the world. There are a few animations based on it too – hence its popularity among children and parents interested in potty training.

The story follows a mother and a toddler – she is trying to potty train the kid. The book then describes the boy’s body – hands to play with, legs to walk and so on. Kids learn about the necessity of using a potty and understand the process they need to go through for a successful mission.

Huggy Kissy, by Leslie Patricelli

Leslie Patricelli is known for the incredible illustrations that simply no kid can resist. They all show love in a few different ways and this book underlines the beneficial effects of hugging and kissing – some of the most contagious actions out there.

The book follows the story of a baby. When you are an adorable little being, everyone wants to be with you. Parents will hug you and kiss you, while visitors and other relatives will want to snuggle. Everyone loves you and they find different ways to show it.

It is worth noting that this book is not specifically aimed at potty training. Instead, it is a story that tells your little one how much you love them. Potty training is just part of the game, as there are multiple references that will help your little one see this activity as what it is – something perfectly natural.

The Potty Book And Doll Package For Girls, by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

Just like you have probably guessed already, there is also a version for boys. This one features Hannah, while the one for boys is about Henry. It has been an extremely popular choice in potty training because of the approach towards kids. It is full of humor and can help your little one understand what using a potty means.

The package comes with a small book, as well as a little calendar to monitor potty training. To keep girls interested, the package includes a little doll too. A DVD with the audio and video version of the book is also included for even more entertainment.

Parents will find potty training much easier when their kids have a doll to play with – ideal for potty training the doll first and showing your kid how it is done. Based on the diversified package coming with the book, this release has been a godsend for parents all over the world.

Big Girl Panties, by Fran Manushkin

This book makes it pretty obvious for all little girls out there – every toddler wants to be a grownup and do whatever they want. The moment they become grownups is the moment they give up diapers and stick to regular panties. This is how the author approaches potty training and the technique seems to work pretty well.

The book helps toddlers understand what potty training means. At the same time, it motivates them to become grownups and give the diapers up. Every girl would like to wear big girl panties like their mother and this might be the right type of motivation – excellent for both adults and toddlers struggling in the process.

The book is great for kids, parents or caregivers. It brings in lots of rhyming text and colorful illustrations to keep your little one interested. While kids can study this book by themselves too, it is more important to approach it together with their parents, in a friendlier atmosphere.

A Potty For Me!, by Karen Katz

This is the type of book that will approach potty training from a few different points of view. Make sure your little one already has a potty, as you will need it in the process. They know about the potty, but they are not ready to use it yet. What do you do then? This is when Karen Katz’s book kicks in to give you a hand.

The book will initially help your kid understand that still needing a diaper is perfectly alright. It will let them know that you are not just mad because they soiled their pants. You understand and you will help them potty train in a friendly way. Moreover, they will understand the benefits of using a potty.

The book will explain how kids play, eat and use the potty. It features interactive flaps to keep your toddler entertained. There is a bit of training and perhaps a few failures in the process, but the result will most likely be successful. Written from a kid’s point of view, the book will make your toddler feel proud when the process is finally over.

Where’s The Poop?, by Julie Markes

This book aims to teach kids that everyone poops – every creature out there, including their favorite animals. To make sure you do it right, you should know what their favorite animals are and show them how they function. The book features a lift the flap design and will trigger your little one’s curiosity in an educational manner.

Tigers poop in the jungle. Monkeys do it in the rain forest. Kids need to use a potty. It is just part of the game. Get ready to face some questions. Most importantly, you should have some good answers regarding the reasons why using a potty is such a good idea. The book is colorful and playful – it will most likely help in the process, but you need to be there as well.

Children will learn they need a place to poop too and toilet training is a concept that can be easily reinforced with the right type of education. The book is not all about education though, but also about giving your toddler the confidence they require to start using the potty.

Diapers Are Not Forever, by Elizabeth Verdick

Diapers Are Not Forever is part of a comprehensive series – Best Behavior. The series relies on a simple and direct approach that any kid can understand. It features impressive illustrations and lots of colors. The potty training release could be one of the best potty training books with humor for children if you push it in the right manner.

Simply put, everyone feels a bit anxious at times and kids make no exception at all. The book is written in a friendly way and reassures your kid that there is nothing to worry about. Kids will understand that being worried is perfectly fine, but there is nothing to worry about when it comes to the potty. Apart from potty training, the book also shows everyone how hugging, breathing and keeping busy will also prevent worries.

While most of the book is written for kids, it also comes with a particular section specifically written for caregivers and parents. It brings in a bunch of activities to try with your little one, as well as conversation starters and games that will make potty training a breeze.

Even Firefighters Go To The Potty, by Naomi Wax and Wendy Wax

Naomi Wax and Wendy Max could not think of braver careers out there. When you think about a fireman, you think about a brave man who fears nothing. Most kids will approach the same way to see things and it is perfectly normal – these people fight big fires that most people would be afraid to even think about. This book tells your kid that even the bravest people in their world use the potty – so they should too.

The fire truck is getting ready to pull out of the station. But then, something happens. One of the firefighters goes in the opposite direction. Where is he going? He needs the potty. In other words, even firefighters use the potty and your kid should follow their example.

Potty training is not an easy job – not for parents and not for toddlers. Kids know they have to go, but there are times when they are too busy doing something else. This gatefold story shows how everyone – from firefighters to zoo keepers – will find a way to stop whatever they are doing to go the potty. There is lots of humor and a fairly simple approach to every part of the training process.

What Is Poo?, by Katie Daynes

Katie Daynes has written one of the most appreciated gentle potty training books for both girls and boys. Most books in this segment are aimed at parents – they teach parents how to train their little ones. This one is mostly aimed at children. Sure, a parent’s observations are highly recommended in the process, but the book is simple and basic – ideal for children.

So, what is poo? Who does it? Is it normal for everyone? Where exactly does it go? The book is quite short and your kid can go through it every now and then. It has 12 pages and features flaps – something every toddler will be excited about. The book answers the most common questions kids could have, but in a friendly manner that involves lifting flaps.

Each flap has a common answer. Everything is well detailed and comes with beautiful illustrations from Marta Alvarez Miguens. There are also a few interesting facts about poo – such as how much poo elephants do. Plus, your kid will learn what can be done with poo. There is even a fun quiz for kids – all in all, plenty of information.

The Gentle Potty Training Book, by Sarah Ockwell-Smith

The title of this book is self-explanatory and makes it one of the most appreciated gentle potty training books out there. The guide is practical and brings in a hands-on approach on how to teach your kid an essential task at an early stage. Forget about strict stuff, timelines, plans and rewards that vary from one gender to another. The techniques in this book are based on your little one’s developmental stage.

So, what are you going to learn from this book? First, you will learn about the signs that your child is ready to go. Then, you will find out how to prepare them from an emotional point of view, as well as what you need for the job. There will be accidents and there will be setbacks – perfectly alright. Learn how to deal with them and take them as they come.

The author’s advice is comprehensive and extremely well detailed. It is not general at all, but it goes into small details. It will teach you how to develop patience and appreciate every small sign of improvement. Furthermore, it will give you the confidence you require to get the job done in a gentle and friendly manner.

Liam Goes Poo In The Toilet, By Jane Whelen Banks

This book follows Liam’s story. Liam eats plenty of good food on a daily basis. His belly gets full and starts stretching. This is when Liam needs to poo. Potty training is a challenge for some parents, but it could become a reason to celebrate for both parents and their little ones. It is a step ahead for every kid and marks the end of diapers.

Indeed, potty training can be stressful. But at the same time, every little improvement will make your day better. Every child will find controlling the body’s internal stimuli a bit complicated. There is a bit of confusion, which will inevitably lead to frustration. Failing to do everything by the book could traumatize your kid, hence the necessity of developing patience and adopting a gentle approach.

This book underlines the connection between food and poo. You eat, you poo. It shows some visual instructions on how to relax, but also how to push when you have to. Your kid will find detailed explanations in a friendly story that shows how Liam is potty trained. In the end, he and his mother celebrate his achievements.

Potty Training in One Week, by Gina Ford

Gina Ford is a bestselling author with plenty of experience in children. His book brings in a detailed program on how to teach your kid about the benefits of using a toilet. While most guides are aimed at adults, this one is easy to follow by children of all ages and prevents a series of unnecessary issues.

The book is well organized – one step at a time. Not only does it make potty training a breeze, but it also makes it fun and exciting. It is, indeed, an adventure, but you can make it fun for your toddler, rather than traumatic.

The author will teach parents how to identify signs that the kid is really ready, as well as how to implement specific techniques to make the job more exciting. There will be rewards for your little one, as well as accidents every now and then – learn how to deal with them without embarrassing your kid.

It Hurts When I Poop!, by Howard J. Bennett

This book follows Ryan’s story. Ryan is not too eager to poo because he is afraid of it – he thinks pooping will hurt him. But then, he is taken to Dr. Gold. She tells him the story of Bill the Coyote and triggers his imagination. She teaches him about pooping and how certain foods can make the job easier or harder.

The story also brings in Ryan’s pooping program. It is a book for children, so there is not too much advice for parents. But at the same time, it makes great complementary material. Children will identify themselves with Ryan and gain some extra confidence regarding this activity.

Your kid will be more open to such an approach. Overcoming this problem is often a matter of confidence and embarrassment. While having a few techniques in mind can and will help, some materials for your toddler will also help in setting up some healthy habits. The author has also included a detailed note for parents with a few ideas and tips on how to make it work.


Bottom line, these are some of the best potty training books with humor for children to try out. While they may seem irrelevant to you, your kid will see them from a different point of view and they can actually help the training process. Some of the above mentioned books will also come with small sections for parents and caregivers.

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