
Letters from Father to Son

A personal message from the author:

This book is a labor of love for my son, Hunter. As an older parent (47), I wanted to document the lessons and stories of my life that I may not be around to share with Hunter when he is older.

— Matthew DiGeronimo

Endearing and enlightening. Dear Hunter, is a book that readers won’t soon forget. Matt DiGeronimo holds his young son’s hand, pulls him across the boundaries of time for a father-son sit-down, discussing life’s most complex issues with graceful simplicity. DiGeronimo guides his future Hunter through the vicissitudes of life that he will face, bringing us along on the journey. Gentle and pensive in its delivery, yet powerful and impactful in its message, no topic is off limits: Love, Mental health. Decision making. Courage. Bullies. Influence. Confidence. Procrastination. Politics. Finance. Integrity. And so much more.

Dear Hunter, provides us a timeless work that is the result of DiGeronimo’s lifetime of experiences as a nuclear engineer, United States Navy submarine officer, an entrepreneur, a radio talk show host, a political candidate, an artist, an author—and a dad.

Read online Dear Hunter, by Matthew DiGeronimo

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