
In Memory of All That Should Have Been

A personal message from the author:

Watching the rapid and steady destruction of the planet’s entire biosphere I have long been frustrated by the sanguine political apathy on display in the face of what is increasingly looking like an extinction event for the human species and – as far as we know – conscious life in the universe. Compelled to do something – anything – I began to write what eventually became Requiem: a collection of 211 interwoven sonnets, made with love and rage.

— Daniel Ståhl 

Through its 211 interwoven poems, this double-tiered recursive crown of sonnets takes the reader on an epic journey to the heart of mankind’s would-be nemesis – herself – and back again. Does her destiny await in the unexplored depths of the cosmos, or in a toxic wasteland of her own making? Does she have the will to shape her own future, or is she a slave to her myopic wants and impulses?

Requiem takes the existential threats facing humanity – from the destruction of the environment to nuclear holocaust – as a lens through which to reflect on the fate of civilization, humanity and ultimately conscious life in the universe.

Read online Requiem by Daniel Ståhl

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