Sending holiday cards is a great way to let your family and friends know that they are special. Store-bought cards are fine, but you can take it up a notch by creating your own unique holiday cards that double as a tiny signed piece of art.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the steps to create your own photo cards that not only look lovely, but can double as keepsake gifts for your loved ones.

What you’ll need:

  • Blank cards and envelopes
  • 4-by-6 inch photo paper
  • Photo printer
  • Craft adhesive (photo safe)
  • Silver or gold gel pen

1. Set the mood

Crank up your favorite Christmas tunes to get into the holiday spirit. Don’t let anyone tell you it’s too early … you don’t need that kind of negativity in your life.

2. Select your photo(s)

Pick a photo, or selection of photos you want to use for your holiday photo cards. You can opt for a family snapshot, or something more artistic that reflects the holiday season. I choose a photo I captured of my mom’s glass Christmas tree collection.

(c) Angela Andrieux Glass Christmas Trees

3. Print your photo(s)

Print your photo(s) on 4-by-6 inch photo paper. This can be done on most home printers or you can order your prints from a photo lab if you prefer. For this project I used my Canon Pixma Pro 100 printer and Kirkland Signature 4″ X 6″ Professional Glossy Inkjet Photo Paper from Costco.

Print your photos on 4x6 photo paper

4. Gather your materials

For this project, I’m using Strathmore Cards and Envelopes, Glue Dots from my local craft store and a silver gel pen to coordinate with my black and white photo print.

5. Assemble your card

Apply the glue dots (or other photo-safe adhesive of your choice) to the back corners and edges of your photograph, then place the photo (adhesive side down) onto the front of your blank greeting card. I like to leave a bit of extra room along the bottom of the card for my signature.

Place your photo on the blank card holiday photo card

6. Sign your artwork

Sign your name with a gel pen along the bottom-right of the card as a finishing touch.

Finished holiday photo card

Your unique holiday photo card is now ready to be sent out! Add a personal message inside and pop it in the mail. Your friends and family are bound to love getting your note, plus a piece of your one-of-a-kind handmade art!

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