If anyone can actually make you believe that facial exercise works, it is the Duchess of Sussex. Of course, Meghan has enviable facial features and bone structure, but her face always looks youthful, toned and healthy. The actress credits a few specialists for her appearance – especially Nichola Joss, but the truth is she has her own set of DIY facial exercises as well, not to mention other skin care procedures.

Apart from the famous Duchess of Sussex, facial exercises are also credited by other celebrities with perfect features, including Natalie Portman, Cindy Crawford, Sharon Stone or Jennifer Aniston – just to name a few. While there are plenty of guides and exercises to find over the Internet, here are some of the best skin care books to help you in sculpting your facial expressions and maintaining a glowing appearance.

Face Fitness, by Gregory Landsman

Initially released in 2010, global beauty expert Gregory Landsman’s skincare classic has been reprinted many times; undoubtedly because it is one of the easiest and most effective guides to achieving a younger looking face naturally. While other guides introduce complicated exercise routines, this one relies on simplicity – 10 minutes a day will get the job done!

Your face will not only look younger, but you will also be able to enhance a few features. You can work on the cheek bones, jowls or the jawline. Other exercises cover the skin around the eyes, as well as the lines around your mouth. You can even learn how to reduce those unpleasant wrinkles on your forehead too! This clever little book gives you the secrets to tighten and tone the facial muscles that give the face a youthful look as well as showing you how to stimulate collagen and elastin naturally.

Apart from the actual face fitness exercises and massage techniques, the author also provides advice on some of the foods that will help the skin maintain its elasticity and a healthy glow.

The Little Book Of Skin Care, by Charlotte Cho

Koreans are world renowned for the elasticity and beauty of their skin. Women in their 50s barely look 25 – this is because perfect skin defines beauty in their country. In other words, skin comes first and this philosophy is responsible for its unique appearance. This book analyzes the trends in Korea and describes some of the secrets behind it.

Get ready to find all kinds of skin care routines – many of them explained in step by step instructions. Learn how to make your skin look clear and radiant. Apart from tutorials, you will get multiple tips on how to ease the process, as well as advice on several products – nothing too fancy, but affordable stuff for pretty much everyone.

Given a wide variety of interviews with skin experts around the world, Charlotte Cho’s guide can also be described as an educational resource for those who want the best for their skin.

Eat Beautiful, by Wendy Rowe

This book comes from a makeup expert and beauty specialist – someone who clearly knows what she is talking about. She understands the skin down to the smallest details and reveals some interesting secrets to help everyone else, (not just celebrities) maintain healthy skin. The book is based on suggesting a variety of foods for your masks, facial treatments and diet to boost shininess.

There are more than 70 different recipes in the book and each of them has a purpose. Some of them are based on clearing specific skin issues, while others are about boosting the elasticity or brightness. Get ready to implement natural fruits and vegetables into your diet based on some healthy and super tasty recipes.

The book is split into four different sections. Apart from masks and mists, learn how to come up with your own toners and cleansers. It is a proper educational tool with lots of helpful advice.

The Beauty Geek’s Guide To Skin Care, by Deborah Burnes

It makes no difference if you already look good, you suffer from specific skin conditions or you simply want to change your appearance – this is one of the best skin care books to educate yourself about skin. Knowledge is imperative and Deborah Burnes brings in all the information you should know to ensure your skin gets the ultimate treatment – no wonder she is often referred to as a skin care guru.

Whether you are making your own masks and cleansers or you need to figure out which brands are better for your needs, this book provides specific information on 1,000 different ingredients – their pluses, minuses and recommended dosages.

You also gain access to some basic beauty practices and skin care solutions and some DIY recipes to try at home.

Glow From Within, by Joanna Vargas

Coming from a celebrity artist, this book describes some of the most advanced beauty treatments in the world. Discover some high-end, (but not necessarily expensive) products, as well as unique masks and famous treatments that stop the aging process.

Glow From Within teaches people how to come up with the right routine for their skin, regardless of skin type. At the same time, learn more about popular ingredients like vitamin C or acids, not to mention masks and brushes to bring into your daily routine.

Apart from teaching her readers how to come up with their own customized routine, Joanna Vargas also brings in a plan to set goals, DIY recipes and various product recommendations. Stress management is also discussed, as well as sleep and nutrition.

Clean, by James Hamblin

This book has a self explanatory title – keep your skin clean and natural benefits will inevitably occur. Confusing messages from doctors, scams from so called gurus and ineffective treatments from random celebrities have left the world desperate for solutions that actually work. James Hamblin explores common misconceptions about skin care, safety and effectiveness standards.

The author has uncovered valuable information from allergists, microbiologists, dermatologists and other scientists that explore current trends – all with the common goal to understand what it truly means to be clean. He even expounds some popular myths such as giving up showering – for good!

The book is lucid and well researched and concludes that many of our health related standards and common practices are based on myths with no truth behind them whatsoever. An interesting read!

The Beauty Of Dirty Skin, by Kristin Loberg and Whitney Bowe

Believe it or not, skin disorders tend to become more common with diabetes, back pains, depression and anxiety. The good news is such issues can be easily handled. The bad news is that most people end up trying superficial treatments that only target the surface level of the skin, but don’t address the underlying cause.

This book explores some of the most common problems associated with skin – from wrinkles and eczema, from psoriasis and acne. The authors suggest that most can be traced back to problems in the gut. No matter how sophisticated your treatment might seem (from lasers to prescription pads), the truth is that none of them actually goes to solving the heart of your problem.

Instead, this book is based on the microbiome, where trillions of microorganisms communicate with your skin through the brain. Authors also highlight connections between gastrointestinal health, stress, sleep and diet.

The Skin Nerd, by Jennifer Rock

The skin is the biggest organ of your body and it must be treated accordingly. This is the motto behind one of the best skin care books on the market these days. Coming from skin expert Jennifer Rock, the book underlines the importance of feeding your skin if you want it to look radiant. Written with genuine honesty and a great sense of humour, the book will certainly make your day (or week).

It provides specific advice on what to do throughout different stages of your life. It comes with 10 rules that no one should overlook, advice on reducing the aging process and how to deal with various skin conditions. It will also give you some hints regarding what ingredients to look out for and what to avoid for proper skin care.

This is a holistic approach to a beautiful looking skin that worked hundreds of years ago and it still does today.


Bottom line, these are some of the best skin care books out there. We could keep going, but if you genuinely want to improve your skin, keep in mind that you want to stick with proven solutions that really work.

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