Here at Photofocus, we review all kinds of gadgets, gizmos and tech, which is all loads of fun and very informative. But we often forget the basics, like the humble sandbag. So let’s have a little look at the humble sandbag and why you should perhaps have one or two in your studio (and maybe even on-location).

Safety first

I believe in safety first, whether that’s in the studio or on-location. Using a sandbag to make sure light stands and tripods are secure is an excellent start. You can get a set of four for less than $25, like this set from Neewer.

Secure your light stands with a sandbag

Make life easier

To make life a little easier with sandbags, I use zip-lock bags and fill them with sand (any sand will do) and then put those in the sandbag pouch. Don’t put the sand in directly as it is messy.

You can also add or remove sand easily by adding or removing another zip-lock bag. You can even get a Velcro one that attaches to your tripod legs which you can temporarily weigh down with whatever is on hand, rocks, sand, dirt, etc. Then empty when finished — it makes it great for hiking.

Insurance for your gear

While not the most exciting piece of equipment in your arsenal, think of it as a little like extra insurance for your gear. So if you don’t have them, perhaps you should consider adding one or two?

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