Nope writer-director, Jordan Peele, recently addressed the possibility of an extended cut of his latest horror film. Following his massive success of Get Out and Us, Peele took audiences on a science-fiction thrill ride with Nope, a story centered around OJ Haywood (Daniel Kaluuya) and his sister Emerald (Keke Palmer) as they struggle to make ends meet on their failing horse farm. After the untimely and mysterious death of their father, the siblings soon realize that their horses are being stalked by an unidentified flying object. With little hope for their financial future, OJ and Emerald conjure a daring plan to record the possible alien craft on film and sell it to make millions of dollars.


Nope proved popular with critics and fans alike, pulling in over $160 million at the box office. Soon after release, eagle-eyed fans took to social media to discuss details of the film, such as the mysterious TMZ character, the significance of the shoe on the set of Gordy's Home, as well as the lack of Nobody, a surprisingly calm character that was featured in early trailers of Nope. Due to the dense nature of the world that Peele crafted, many fans were left wondering if there was a much longer version of the film that explained certain details. The director previously revealed that his initial assembly cut of the movie was over 3 hours, 45 minutes in duration, 95 minutes longer than the final theatrical version.

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In a recent interview with Collider, Peele addressed the possibility of the release of a Nope extended edition. The director explained that he will not "confirm nor deny" that an extended cut is planned, but Peele teased that he thinks "people will see more in the future." Peele is "energized" by the fact that fans want more Nope and praised them for dissecting the many elements of the movie. Read what Peele said below.

"I can neither confirm nor deny anything of the sort. It's like, 'Oh, s***.' There's been a lot of response to people sort of finding things in the trailer that aren't in the actual movie. I can say, I do think people will see more in the future. That's kind of all I really can say. I'm hopeful."

"There's a lot of in enthusiasm clearly to sort of dig into the layers of this film. And it's one of the things that I am most excited by, is that I think there's a sense that people do see that we haven't cheated, we've made a film that if you watch it, it's telling a story and the pieces of the puzzle that feel like they're missing upon another viewing, reveal themselves to not be missing. And so I'm very energized by the fact that people want more from this story."

Nope Gordy the chimpanzee header

Peele's comments are promising to Nope fans who have been asking for an extended cut of the popular horror film. Many times in the past, when faced with questions about special, director's or extended editions of a film, directors and producers have outright denied that such versions of the film will be released if there was already an agreement that the theatrical version is to be the only version of the movie released. The release of Zack Snyder's Justice League is a rare exception within Hollywood where producers retract previous statements and give the fans what they demanded. With Peele refraining to deny that Nope's extended cut will be released, it appears that there may be one planned.

Like Get Out and Us before it, Nope is stuffed full of details that the audience may not have caught upon their first viewing of the film. Although 3 hours, 45 minutes is a long runtime for a horror film, it is likely that a possible extended edition will insert certain moments and scenes that expand the nature of the alien as well as the Gordy's Home backstory. With Peele not denying that a Nope extended cut is on the table, there is a chance that audiences can relive the thrilling story with a more complete release.

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