A few years back, I had the opportunity to sit down at WPPI with Darcy Evans, who was a pet photographer in Edmonton, Alberta. I have to admit, I found it odd a pet photographer came to a wedding and portrait event.

Sadly, Darcy passed away in a motorcycle accident in August 2020.

I asked to see some of his work and I was immediately impressed. After our chat, I asked if I could share his secrets. Being the great photographer he is, he was happy to comply. Heres what he had to say.

Darcy’s approach to pet photography

“Photography requires a massive amount of study, knowledge and practice. Furthermore, every smaller niche within the photography world requires specific skills and tools. I am often asked for tips on how to shoot pets. My top three tips are always energy, patience and dirty knees. I will explain each of these, but I want to drive something home with you first.

I am assuming that you a) own a DSLR camera and b) KNOW HOW TO USE IT. Working with pets, there are never any guarantees and you must make snap decisions to not miss the capture. Clients have an expectation of a professional photographer to consistently deliver, which can only be achieved by attaining intimate knowledge of camera operation and photography basics. You must be able to be a human light meter of sorts.


Animals can sense the energy other animals are giving off. We, as animals, too, must be aware of this and we must project a calming, soothing, relaxing state in order for animals to feel at ease. A tense or nervous expression is not a pleasing photograph.

I often have clients be amazed at how easily their pet takes to me because I am simply aware and prepared. Preparing yourself and your mood is even more important than preparing the shoot space. Environment will also contribute to this, so choose locations wisely. Avoid distractions and clutter when shooting animals.

One additional note here is this applies to the animal’s owner(s) as well. There have been times where I have had to ask the owner to leave the shoot space because their energy is not conducive to the session.


Working with animals can be the ultimate exercise in patience. They cannot take direction like a human model. One thing I always tell my clients is that we are on the pet’s time. I do not put time limits on my sessions because I allow the subject to let me know when they are done.

I have spent hundreds of hours studying materials on dog behavior and body language to help myself read my models. Dogs have a myriad of nonverbal communication signals. Learn these! If you get frustrated easily, or simply cannot sit and wait for the animal to relax, it may not be the niche for you. With patience I also have developed lightning-fast timing!”

Dirty knees

“Every pair of jeans I own have ripped and torn knees. It is crucial in my work that I connect with my subjects. To truly capture proper pet portraits, you must be level with their eyes — no different from we do with human models. This means I am constantly shooting from my knees and even laying on my stomach.

Pet photography is not for clean freaks! I regularly get covered in drool, have to handle slimy tennis balls, half-eaten treats, etc. I have even, fairly regularly, been peed on.

At the end of the day, I LOVE MY WORK and could not imagine my life without it. Seeing the reaction on my clients’ face when they see their wall art for the first time is one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I secretly really enjoy making my clients cry.

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Tell your story with the second annual Visual Storytelling Conference!

Experience four days of interactive, online training sessions featuring a range of educational content with experienced photographers and content creators. This free event kicks off with a series of technical boot camps to build essential skills, followed by live, online sessions on photography, video, business and social media. Join live from March 10-13, 2022!

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