Regardless of what your work or passion is, your communication is the only key to express yourself. It can be verbal or written. As a fact, not all of us are good communicators although we need to be the same, especially for building a good career. If you wish to be a good communicator, here are the top 10 books for you to read.

Effective Communication Skills, by John Nielsen

This book comes from John Nielsen who is a pastor, a veteran facilitator of recovery programs where he makes complex things simple, and a recovered drug and alcohol addict. So, what does this mean for you? Well, you get perhaps the most unique book on effective communication that is excitingly different from other such books.

The book assimilates the author’s contribution to the recovery group programs, discovers the link between communication skills and extremely low self-esteem, and focuses on being confident. You will find tried techniques of communication while boosting the ability to self-assess personality whims and unhealthy talks along with the ways to come out of them.

The book is full of questionnaires, charts, glossaries, worksheets, and glossaries covering typical communication topics, like giving feedback, non-verbal cues, body language, and active listening.

Practical examples examine the obscure communication. Perceptive self-assessments and clear concept definitions guide you through the muddle toward better dialogue, listening skills, and mutual interactions.

The most commendable components are the intuitive self-assessment exercises on separating feelings from talks, handling pressure, being assertive, increasing self-awareness, and so on.

Five Stars: The Communication Secrets to Get from Good to Great, by Carmine Gallo

In today’s age of knowledge and information, it is the ideas that make you valuable. However, ideas themselves do not trade. Further, just having a good idea is not sufficient in today’s economy where the powers of automation, globalization, and artificial intelligence together affect each field of life.

So, apart from having ideas, it is essential to know how to persuade so that you can stand out and succeed to be a great person in today’s world. Your communication needs to be persuasive without which you will be unable to survive in the business world. It is now an essential edge to be irreplaceable and unstoppable to earn the five-star rating.

Five Stars by Carmine Gallo aids you to go to the shore of such exceptional edge from ordinariness. The author introduces the three-part formula of Aristotle for persuasion, to which all great communicators and modern business leaders adhere.

It is emotions, logic, and credibility, which historians, neuroscientists, and business leaders of Airbnb and Google follow. In this way, the book reveals how it works.

We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter, by Celeste Headlee 

Do you feel stressed when it comes to communicating with teachers at school or people at work? Do you hesitate to speak with your loved ones? If yes, Celeste Headlee, in this book, reveals a few clever strategies to initiate and sustain conversations.

In today’s technological world, countless of us talk via digital screens due to which we feel less connected. The culprit for this feeling is partially our political circumstances. However, the attrition of our conversational flair resides inside us. Thus, the only easy way to move forward is to start talking according to Celeste.

She delineates the strategies that she has used to become an effective conversationalist. As a public radio host, the lady had gone through tough conversations, on the air and even live. Learning from these tough times, Celeste reveals the most effective tips for engaging genuinely with others even in the most difficult situations.

Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results, by Rob Biesenbach

Storytelling is an art to master and a skill to hone such that it positively affects one’s career. Well-told tales not only impart knowledge but also inspire. In this engaging, fun book with craft behind great takes, Rob Biesenbach reveals his storytelling agenda without hesitation such that you realize what is required to uplift your business storytelling to a mastered art form.

Through this book, Rob provides a realistic roadmap to making and delivering more effective persuasive stories for getting the maximum of your career. His experience and distinct viewpoint are worth an applaud.

The market is full of books on business storytelling and even experts recommend telling stories but hardly anyone says how to do so precisely. This book explains the storytelling process by sharing its five steps for making and shaping your tales and six ways to ensure their relevance to your audience.

The book reveals all the essential ingredients that make up a good story while tips to avoid the ordinary pitfalls. This practical how-to guide also describes why stories work, how to deliver them effectively, and how to craft them using a template for different scenarios such as meetings, presentations, and interviews.

Words That Change Minds: The 14 Patterns for Mastering the Language of Influence, by Shelle Rose Charvet

Do you feel you lack convincing skills? Do you often reject your idea before thinking about it? Would you like to influence others through communication without manipulation? If yes, then this book from Shelle Rose Charvet is for you!

In this book, Shelle shows you the way to speak according to the people surrounding you such as at home, in office, and with relatives. It is usual to feel like talking to a wall while actually talking to a person. Well, everyone has this metaphorical wall for defending against badmouthing. However, we should become such that good people can talk with us.

The wall is not the issue; it is the set of holes that are left out. These holes represent the lack of words and behavior that fit into the holes of the wall of another person.

In short, this book shows you how to use the words to bypass the wall, stay motivated, and be persuasive with anyone. It gives a chance to learn the psychology of persuasion to get what is required from the other person.

The underlying notion is not to be manipulative but to become persuasive by assessing how to communicate more effectively instead of knowing only what to communicate. The matter of this book applies to real scenarios, as its crux is based on the fact that ideas or opinions only work if others comprehend and agree with them.

I Hear You: The Surprisingly Simple Skill Behind Extraordinary Relationships, by Michael S. Sorensen

This book from Michael Sorensen has obtained two awards namely, the 2018 IPA Book Award and the 2018 Readers’ Favorite Award. It is because the book focuses on a unique communication management skill, which is validation.

The book shows how validation can tweak your daily conversations to improve every relationship. It reveals the why, what, and how of a cherished yet little-known skill of validation for communication.

Whether you wish to connect more deeply with pals, improve your relationship with your teen, or handle tough conversations at work; this book reveals simple and proven ways to improve any relationship via validation.

Mastering this powerful skill subsides the fears and concerns, prevents arguments, resolves issues immediately, boosts feelings of respect and appreciation, makes others open to your stance, encourages others when no problem solution is sought, and provides feedback and suggestions.

It is a short book to read and go through the valuable information. Its short length is attributed to the point-to-point facts revealed and directs tips shared.

Speak With No Fear, by Mike Acker 

This is the book for you if speaking in public makes you nervous or talking with others demotivate you or makes you lose your confidence. There is no need to have fear anymore or allow communication anxiety to prevent you from achieving your goals.

Mike Acker, through this book, delivers advanced but simple and proven ways to master the art of speaking. There are seven strategies revealed with which you gain a novel perspective, get prepared, and know some actions to get started.

These strategies are at the core of the structured approach implemented in this book to boost public speaking skills. Interestingly, they are conveyed via some personal stories and wit that Mike has directly encountered in his life.

These strategies are you be you, uncover & clean the wound, speak to one, imagine the worst, channel the power, it’s not about you, and be in the moment. Once you begin to implement them, the author is confident that your fear will start receding.

The book is full of related takes, several humorous moments, and executable tips to help you strengthen your internal presenter. Whether it is a business presentation or a speech at a wedding, this book will make you a strong, fearless orator.

Conflict Resolution Playbook: Practical Communication Skills for Preventing, Managing, and Resolving Conflict, by Jeremy Pollack

Conflicts are common in the field of business. However, a true business fellow will continue to seek ways to get rid of it. If this is what you also are looking for, this book from Jeremy Pollack can be your best guide.

There is hardly any business that does not encounter any conflict. Thus, it is important to build communication skills that can aid in overcoming or resolving these challenges. Keeping this in mind, Jeremy has come up with this playbook that provides real-life solutions to daily communication issues. It shares the different skills required to make breakthroughs at home or office and plays a vital role in molding you personally.

Practical strategies in the book help you manage conflicts happening in both professional and personal relations. You begin by learning the basic communication skills required for resolution, which you then leverage for handling common issues such as bullying. While studying them, you gain a good comprehension of conflicts in terms of where, why, and how.

The Introvert’s Edge to Networking: Work the Room. Leverage Social Media. Develop Powerful Connections, by Matthew Pollard

If you feel that being an introvert is the biggest obstacle to business communication or business success, this is the book to read to come out of this myth. Yes, it is a myth, which an introverted author proves it by sharing his own experience.

Matthew Pollard is an introvert and proves how introverts can be ideal networkers, provided they have a plan to be as they are. He shares more than a decade of research along with practical, realistic examples to give a practical roadmap for introverted networking.

Matthew shows that it is not necessary to be outgoing for being a successful networker or for being an inexorable self-promoter. He firmly asserts that you need not be an extrovert at all. His write-up in this inspiring book helps you overcome discomfort and fear while networking, leverage your introverted power, connect with the best influencers, and take the advantage of virtual and social networking.

By the way, this is the sequel to The Introvert’s Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone, the international bestseller recognized as the second-best introvert book.

The Power of Voice: A Guide to Making Yourself Heard, by Denise Woods

Right from the first word spoken as an infant to words spoken in a motivating speech to friends or society, it is the voice that expresses you. Without this voice, the world cannot judge or comprehend you. Despite this importance, there was hardly any commanding guide showing the way to harbor its potential to express truly in any aspect of life.

However, this guide is now ‘The Power of Voice’ from Denise Woods, a globally prominent Hollywood voice coach. Through this guide, the author reveals tested practices to harness the power of one’s authentic voice.

Denise reveals the tales, lessons, tweaks, and secrets that have guided the Hollywood stars to become poised communicators. You learn to obtain confidence in any speaking scenario, speak clearly, relieve stress, know the authentic form of expression, and handle issues regarding speech.

Known for her supreme ability to teach well, Denise also explores the proven set of tools to improve communication for influencing others in a more positive way.


The aforementioned books are adaptable to fulfill both professional and personal communication needs. You can choose your first book for reading as per the most upsetting communication issue you wish to tackle.

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