From dog walking services to blog and website design, side hustles will boost your income and help you generate more cash. Whether you are after a new car, some compensation for your low income or you simply fail to get a job, a side hustle can also become the primary source of money in 2021 – plus, think about all the people who are furloughed these days.

Some gigs are basic and will give you a bit of pocket money, while others are quite lucrative. The good news is there are plenty of choices today over Fiverr. The online freelance marketplace could be great for small projects, as well as projects that will give you thousands in a few months. In fact, some people ditch their day by day jobs to stick to freelance projects instead.

The income over Fiverr and gig prices are extremely diversified. Some in demand projects will pay thousands. Obviously, it depends on your skills and capabilities too. Determine what you are good at and work on it. Stand out in the crowd and projects will land one after another.

With this article, we intend to give fresh Fiverr gig ideas to you in order to explore your inner motivation! 

Now, what are the best Fiverr gig ideas to make money in 2021 from home? Want to get insight how they work? Test them!

Creating animated marketing videos

This gig implies creating animated videos. Most of these videos will be done with marketing purposes. They will be used on official websites and spread over social media to create brand awareness. At the same time, the developer will also come up with explainer videos, which work like short tutorials explaining the business requirements.​​

Each video will come up with a few animations to match the business demands, as well as background music and a standard resolution of 720p. The script includes up to 30 words – the business will have to provide them. On average, the video will be 10 seconds long – longer time frames can be negotiated in the price.

Since small changes might be needed, the developer also provides two free revisions. Videos are delivered within 12 hours (not bad at all) – assuming that all the data is available, including the logo, the words or perhaps a voice over. Subtitles are also part of the deal, as well as commercial rights and literally any format the employer requires.

Creating unique T-shirt designs

I love this idea, it’s also a creative gig, but for merchandize. I would bet they have a lot of jobs last year with masks.

If you boost with creativity and your friends are always impressed by how rich your imagination is, this might be the type of gig you could do. You have an answer for anything and you come up with clever answers and jokes on the spot. This gig basically offers a single T-shirt design from scratch. It tailors to the employer’s unique needs, regardless of the business.

Reaching to a higher level asks for more than just some good ideas. While focused on other things related to business, more and more business owners understand the necessity of good designers. This freelancer has experience with Merch by Amazon and other similar services – excellent to figure out what customers need before they even mention their ideas.

All the employer has to come up with is the idea or perhaps an inspiration. The freelancer will pick it up from there and go through various niches to find that catch design that can boost a business. Other than that, while irrelevant to the actual business, the freelancer is bilingual – English and German. It has nothing to do with the business, but it is an extra that could draw some positive attention.

Writing articles in other languages

Can you speak another language? Can you do it fluently, with perfect grammar? This could be the best chance for you. If you are not too technical and you mostly rely on your words to stimulate your creativity, you might as well use these words to make money. This gig promotes professional article writing jobs. They are all done in German, so the freelancer can get both German employers and foreign employers who want to tackle the German market.

The freelancer will provide articles at different levels and skills – more or less technical, more direct, guides and so on. The gig is advertised for 250 word articles, yet the freelancer can take longer articles as well, based on the employers’ needs – even more than 1,000 words. This type of gig could provide a few random clients before it becomes a longterm project with consistent incomes – excellent for working at home.

The freelancer will take care of everything else for you. The article will be customized over maximum two keywords. There is no need to provide any research, as the author will browse the web for research and education before writing the article. Furthermore, it is essential to be flexible – first person, news, stories, long articles, conversational text, formal text and so on.

Mobile UI or UX App Design

Whether you are self-taught or you have actually studied this field, you will be happy to know that this industry is still on the rise. More and more businesses turn to convenient and direct mobile applications. This freelancer will handle a project regardless of the requirements. Specialized in Adobe Creative Cloud, experienced with mobile app UI and mock up design, the designer has everything for a great final result.

When starting such a gig, make sure you mention your skills and capabilities – you do not want to waste a potential employer’s time or perhaps your own time. Other than that, the gig advertises for quick and timely deliveries. A list of potential pluses include the app design, UI design, mobile design, user interface and so on – literally everything involved with the development of an application. As for the tools, the freelancer relies on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Xd and Adobe Illustrator.

For a more professional approach, the freelancer mentions the requirements too. The employer will only have to come up with the logo, as well as some guidelines for the project. The design is responsive and the source file is also sent to the employer – full commercial rights. A transparent approach is clearly essential in this industry, as well as a flexible approach – fast deliveries and unlimited revisions as well.

Translating to and from other languages

Translation services tend to gain in popularity lately because the world faces an age that will eliminate borders. Businesses (even small businesses) expand to other countries and deal with foreign customers, so it is imperative to target a different market the right way. This gig makes it pretty simple – translation services from English to Spanish and vice versa. Translations are manual, which is imperative for smoothness and a good flow.

If your grammar is perfect in another language, go for it. Make sure you provide as many details as possible, so potential employers know what to expect. The translator is a Spanish native speaker, so translation will be local, natural and done with local language tricks in mind. Other than that, the freelancer advertises for 200 word translations – longer texts will require an earlier notice, yet the freelancer will provide accurate deadlines.

In terms of format, the employer is supposed to decide what they want. The file can be sent in TXT, DOC or PDF formats, along others. Proofreading services are also offered, not to mention emergency solutions – the kind of text that must be translated within a few hours only. The gig is simple, straightforward and includes all the details needed for a good collaboration – ideal for home workers with extra time on their hands.

Becoming a virtual assistant or online secretary

 A secretary could be an expensive choice for any type of business – even for self-employed professionals. But then, not having one could cause severe business delays. This is when virtual assistants kick in. If you have too much time, you could be someone’s virtual assistant and take care of everything for them. This gig provides access to all the aspects related to office work, regardless of the industry.

This freelancer provides immediate work (up to a few hours a day) in terms of data entry, web research, typing projects, data conversion, spreadsheet or document work, data collection, photo editing and so on. Practically, she mentions that she can do any administrative task, as well as pretty much any data entry related job. She provides quick results in a clear and clean manner – good formatting, tagging and so on. She can practically save time, which the employer can use for other business tasks.

The freelancer will also handle typing work and social media management. A friendly and approachable attitude is essential in this industry. Communication is key for a proper understanding of the project too. In fact, the freelancer actually recommends getting in touch before ordering a certain project – get in touch, discuss the project and get a more customized quote. It is worth noting that other virtual assistant gigs could get even further and involve organizing emails and schedules as well.

3D modeling

If you have a few skills with 3D modeling, this could be a glowing career – and what better way can you find to build a portfolio? This gig is offered by someone with years of experience in 3D modeling – realistic animations, renders, 3D detailing of pretty much everything, environments and so on. Everything is animated to ensure a realistic result – realism and natural movements and shades.

The freelancer only asks for an early message, rather than an emergency project. Potential customers will have to discuss their vision, goals and ideas. There will be a few sketches on the way until the client is happy with the model or character. From that point on, the freelancer will get to work and turn a basic sketch into a realistic 3D model.

There are a few programs mentioned in the gig. They may require an investment, but given the profitable nature of 3D modeling, freelancers can make their money back in no time. In order to provide an even better service, this gig mentions unlimited revisions. Practically, the client can return the project and ask for small changes until it gets to meet their expectations, vision and goals. It is a full service and an excellent opportunity to work from home.

Managing a social media account

Social media is a must have today, and yes, it is a time-consuming activity. Companies and even small celebrities tend to outsource the management of these platforms. With a little training on social network principles and algorithms could lead to a glowing career. This gig comes from a social media assistant and implies multiple activities. It all begins with a full evaluation of the profile or page, as well as the customer’s goals. Once all these things are assessed, the assistant will get to work and come up with an action plan.

The social media manager will help the client increase brand recognition, boost brand loyalty and increase the actual traffic. Each package involves daily activities – one post a day at a time that is suitable for the respective business. There are more packages and the activity can extend over a longer period of time – a week, 14 days or 30 days. Based on the results, the client can opt to extend the collaboration and purchase another package.

The freelancer is experienced and understands the algorithms of more social media networks. This gig is suitable for those who want professional activity on Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus, Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn. Access to the respective pages or profiles will also be required. Some of the activities involve scheduling posts – on the networks that actually accept this approach.

Voiceover and audiobook production

Do you have a great voice? Audio is an ever rising field in the world of YouTube videos and audiobooks. There are a lot of opportunities in this field, and yes you may also utilize these services as a reseller.

Creating an audiobook was never so easy, basically you could outsource the whole project to a talent. On Audible there was an increasing need for new audiobooks, and they sold pretty well without any bigger marketing effort.


Bottom line, these are some of the best Fiverr gigs to make money in 2021 from home. I hope we could give some fresh Fiverr gig ideas to run a successful home business.

Want to learn more about the platform and how these gigs are working? Test them and gain more knowledge about Fiverr!

While people do anything on Fiverr and there are jobs with all kinds of requirements, some projects pay better than others and this is what you want to focus on – you want value for your time. Even if you have no idea where to start, browsing current gigs and seeing others’ offers will give you some clues about what you can actually do from home.

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