Casey Mack Series Book One

Could we have gotten it all wrong?

Casey Mack is a thirty-six year-old, six foot, sun drenched blonde, surfer looking dude with an Indiana Jones fetish. A Florida boy, the son of two College academics, Casey burned out of his Doctorate program and set about the world to join various archeological projects. He was supported financially by his parents, who fully supported his endeavors, despite his engaging into a lifestyle that had cost his brother his life. That was then.

Now his mother has fallen ill with a terminal disease and there is neither the time nor resources to support Casey in his world travels. He has been called home and needs a job. Light on creds, he is fortunate to find a job as County Archeologist for an under populated impoverished county in Central Florida.

Bellweather County was once part of the sugar boom. Sugar is now long gone, and reclamation projects turn the once sugar fields back to watershed and glades. Still, the county needs a archeologist to satisfy the requirements of a massive land gift made to the county by its namesake, Townsend Bellweather. Casey takes the job and sets up shop in a chain link enclosed office in the basement of the courthouse. What seems to be a do-nothing job in a deathly boring community turns out to be anything but. Bellweather is dirt poor by any standards. The only going concern inside the county is the Indian Casino and Hotel, which shares none of its good fortune outside of the Tribal Reservation and their citizens.

But relief has come in the form of DVH Development. The company has secured an 18,000 acre tract of land within the county, and plans to create a combination New Age theme park for wealthy clients, and a high end housing community. County citizens have pinned their hopes for a better life on this project.Casey’s predecessor held the job for over 60 years with no drama. Within his first twenty-four hours on the job, Casey is deep into conflict and adventure that will make insignificant all his other adventures combined. In the next few dizzying days, forces will press him towards discovery, and those discoveries will bring romance, mortal danger, and change the very nature history of the human experience.

Read online Casey Mack: The Bellweather Dig by Thomas Griffith

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