So, you already got yourself the iPhone 12 to level up your mobile photography. You can do more aside from taking snapshots for your usual social media posts. Why not get extra creative with some simple items around the house? Apple has some cool ideas for turning the everyday into something extraordinary.

In the video above, James Thornton and Donghoon Jun of Los Angeles-based creative studio Incite demonstrated three easy experiments that you can easily capture with the iPhone 12. They made great use of the Slo-mo, and Night mode and Night mode Time-lapse functions to create some cool visuals that will surely get creative juices flowing.

If you like playing with colors in your photos and videos, the balloons slow motion video will give you some ideas. Likewise, the oil + water + food dye combo will inspire you to experiment with psychedelic macro visuals. Are you’re into night photography? You’ll definitely enjoy playing with glow sticks and string lights to create some fun long exposures!

Got any iPhone 12 photography tricks and projects like these? Share them with us in the comments below, or in our group discussions if you’ve already joined the Photofocus Community!

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