Golf is often associated with the rich and wealthy, but this is only a misconception. More and more people turn to golf these days for a few different reasons – it is comfortable and relaxing, but it also allows a good walk in great weather. What else can you ask for?

However, there is a big difference between trying to play golf and actually winning at it. There are more clubs, sizes, materials and standards, as well as some secrets that no one will ever share. Luckily, you can find a few guides out there that can certainly up your game – here are the best golf books to read.

Better F*cking Golf, by Paul Nardozzi

Paul Nardozzi wrote this book from personal experience. He started at the bottom and struggled to even come close to the hole, only to become one of the best golfers in his club. His secret? He worked on the things outside of his swing and grip. He found easy and reproducible ways for amateur golfers to understand and implement the working techniques.

According to the author, consistency is the optimal way to improve your game. But then, how do you improve consistency? Discover the variables associated with this sport and find out how to overcome them – skip all the mistakes you might make in the process by learning from someone who has been there already.

The best part about this book? There are no sophisticated techniques. Easy adjustments and consistency will push your game in the right direction – no filler content, but straightforward advice and step by step instructions.

Ben Hogan’s Five Lessons, by Ben Hogan and Herbert Warren Wind

This book is a classic and revolves around Ben Hogan’s secrets to improve your game and make the difference. It comes from a professional player who obviously knows what he is talking about. It is mostly recommended to beginners who are still struggling to get a grip of golf.

According to Ben Hogan, anyone with a bit of coordination can break standards. It only takes a proper calculation of every aspect of the game. Step by step advice will lay the foundation for solid principles in golf. After all, chances are you will never become a professional if you fail to master the basics in this sport.

The book is split into more chapters and each of them targets a different aspect of golf. Instructions are crystal clear, but you also have illustrations to help you understand how to perform your moves accordingly.

Golf Is Not A Game Of Perfect, by Bob Cullen and Bob Rotella

The authors – and especially Bob Rotella – try to break a myth with this book. If you imagine golf is a game that aims to touch perfection, you are wrong. Not even the best golfers in the world can be rated as being perfect – not even close.

From some points of view, golf is a mental game. It takes planning and concentration. But the mental factors are not everything. Authors go through the specific techniques that may seem irrelevant at first – but they will most likely up your skills.

The book will prepare you mentally for a better golf experience – be it a game with a friend or a competition. As some of the world’s greatest golfers have mentioned it before, results can be spectacular with a bit of work.

Zen Golf, by Joseph Parent

Golf is about skill and patience, but not only. In fact, concentration seems to dominate this sport. Without it, it makes no difference how good you are. Fail to concentrate and your abilities will fade out of nowhere – not to mention blocking distractions.

Clear thoughts are implemented by Buddhists too, yet they can make the difference in golf and this is exactly what author Joseph Parent has chosen for his book. Learning how to clear your mind will help you achieve the perfect focus – you will be in the moment for every single shot.

Zen Golf is not a complicated book, but it provides a straightforward approach on how to master the mental game. You will be guided through a bunch of specific techniques to beat fear and focus on the right shot. The book is suitable for both beginners and experienced golfers who want to improve their game.

A Good Walk Spoiled, by John Feinstein

This book comes from someone who has spent a few years on the PGA Tour, having walks and learning from golf giants like Nick Price or Tom Kite, among others. While suitable for both beginners and experienced golfers, it provides an insight about what it takes to be at the top.

This is the first book that takes you inside a professional golfer’s head. It may not be the expected level for someone who is just getting used to the game, but it can help you understand what it takes to get up there – fundamental for setting your mindset for greater achievements.

The author examines the pressure required to beat the competition and shows the hard parts of being a professional too. Learn about the grind and the need to get out of the comfort zone in order to be on top of everyone else. If you are new to golf, this book will put you in the right state of mind to achieve the impossible.

Golf My Way, by Jack Nicklaus and Ken Bowden

This could be the most detailed guide on golf out there. Both newbies and experienced golfers will learn something from it. If you could keep it on the golf course and read the lines for each hole, you could probably outweigh your competition without even realizing it.

The book takes the reader to everything it takes to win a game. It will not give you details on how to shoot, general techniques or mindset considerations. Instead, it tells you what to do for each hole – how to hit, what club you need, how hard to do it, where to hit the ball and so on. Every detail is extremely well detailed for a perfect hit.

It makes no difference if you are just warming up at the first hole or you are ready to drop it on your opponent on the eighteenth hole. The author has described every aspect of the game in a very well structured manner – there is simply no way to go wrong with it.

How I Play Golf, by Tiger Woods

Tiger Woods is one of the richest sports people in the world and if you are into golf, you have probably heard of him already. He is so popular that for many random people, he is the only player they can associate with golf. Those not into golf can barely name a player or two and Tiger Woods is always one of them.

How I Play Golf is his first book. It has obviously been embraced by the entire golf community – both beginners getting into golf and experienced people who want to take their game to another level. There is something for everyone to learn, regardless of their level of experience – and when it comes from a well known figure with proven skills, you know you are going to learn some valuable lessons.

All in all, Tiger Woods has used this opportunity to reveal some of his secrets to the game. He talks about five different secrets that help him master everything. He mentions both physical and metaphysical practices, as well as the psychological practices behind his exquisite shape. The best part about it? It is not a general guide, but the kind of book that will teach you something and change your mindset overnight.

Every Shot Counts, by Mark Broadie

Mark Broadie adopts a different approach when it comes to golf. While skills, practice and persistence do count, his approach is focused on crystal clear statistics, rather than innovative techniques. He analyzes numbers, stats and golf analytics to push the game to another level. It is definitely a new and revolutionary approach, but it works, so why would anyone ignore it?

Now, there are a few things that statistics simply cannot answer. What is it that makes Tiger Woods a winner? What do you need to get a long distance shot inches away from the hole? In the attempt to answer such questions, Mark Broadie has teamed up with the PGA Tour management and has analyzed professional players from all over the world.

The book is based on exclusive data and stats and can help both beginners and professionals to make better choices while on the course. It is a resource that every player can learn from.


Bottom line, these are some of the best golf books on the market. Whether you are after a new approach on the game, new techniques or secrets coming from reputable players, any of these books will give you an excellent startup point to push your game further. It makes no difference what kind of level of experience you have.​

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