Whether you have been born with innate leadership capabilities or you have trained to become what you are today, there is always room for refinement. Some people are natural born leaders. They lead in the backyard, their streets, their teams and companies. Some others get there through hard work – at this stage, a little education is mandatory to succeed.

On another note, whether you are pushing to become a leader or you already have a leadership position, learning new strategies and ideas will always pay off. It makes no difference what your status is – there is always a way to refine your mindset. All in all, here are some of the best transformational leadership books to hone your skills.

Principles Of Power: The Art & Wisdom Of Badassery, by Eric Schleien

You could have a leadership position or you could aspire for one – this book is made to help you push yourself. In the first part, the book analyzes a few quotes and inspirational words from world renowned leader – such as Seth Godin or Charlie Munger. It researches their thinking and capabilities.

From that point on, the book goes towards other aspects related to leadership, from the actual permission to lead to authentic relationships. A leader leads in more ways – more importantly, you are supposed to provide an environment for people to create and develop themselves.

Finally, you are also taken through the differences between leadership and management. One can be a leader without actually having a leadership position, yet the two different terms are often used interchangeably.

Motivation, by Gilberto Rosas

Gilberto Rosas will teach you essential and step by step strategies to gain a top notch motivation and stick to it. If you are after the best transformational leadership books, you probably know what it feels like – you set big goals, but you never have the drive to chase them.

Lots of people end up in vicious cycles and this book will teach you how to break them by working on your motivation. Instead of giving you random fluff that no one cares about, you gain access to practical techniques to up your game.

The best way to take advantage of this book? Avoid reading it in one go. Simply go one chapter a day, build up your motivation and momentum. Find out what things you can do today, this week and in the long run.

Off-Centered Leadership, by Sam Calagione

What would happen if some of the largest competitors in the world would start working together instead of competing against each other? Imagine the innovation and the results. The same rule applies within a company and this is what the book talks about.

The book brims with lessons and advice from self-made entrepreneurs, mentors and leaders from all over the world. It is all about goals and the possibility to work together. It aims to help competitors and businesses of all sizes work towards a common goal.

While the book is mostly aimed at business owners, it also gives managers and leaders an insight into a completely different scenario – a different idea that could boost the overall productivity and ensure excellent final results.

The Progress Principle, by Teresa Amabile and Steven Kramer

What makes a manager so special? Generally speaking, a manager will put the right people together, boost the motivation and productivity in order to create positive emotions. On the other hand, bad managers tend to undermine inner work life.

The bad news is that most managers are bad, even if they do have good intentions. Based on diary entries by employees over seven large companies and 12,000 testimonials, this book is a hands on approach on what would happen if managers stop overlooking important aspects.

The book will teach you how to get over obstacles, improve toxic relationships and get rid of meaningless stuff in your work. You will also learn how to set clear goals and motivate employees in order to reach them.

28 Days To A Motivated Team, by Jason E. Jones

Most managers fail to believe in it before they read it. But believe it or not, you can easily motivate employees and boost the engagement within weeks only. You just need to understand the dynamics of your team and motivate your people.

The book is based on authentic research and provides step by step information on what to do, when to do it and how to do it. It is a book that will help you in business, but it will also prove valuable in real life interactions.

The journey will help you discover yourself and your team, reflect over yourself and create an environment that will motivate your team. Learn how to help your employees and they will look after you too.

Monday Morning Motivation, by David Cottrell

If you are into self teaching and motivational books, you might have heard of David Cottrell. He has a thing for Mondays and has already written a few books related to the day that everyone hates. This is the latest addition to his series.

Monday Morning Motivation is a hands on approach. It will not spam you with fluff and random things that you may have already seen over social media networks. Instead, it provides step by step instructions on how to succeed in motivation.

It will teach you how to attain that positive energy you may see in successful companies. Whether it comes to integrity, focus, communication, synchronization or speed, these elements will work together to help you push yourself and your team.

Human Factors In Project Management, by Zachary Wong

Zachary Wong has managed to prove his skill in this industry. With plenty of successful teams being generated under his wing, he wrote this book from personal experience and can share some valuable insights on what motivation means.

The book points out something very clear that lots of managers overlook – the people. Management is about people skills. Once you manage these skills like a pro, you will manage people with no issues at all, whether it comes to productivity or motivation.

The comprehensive manual brings in a plethora of techniques to master people in a clean and easy way. It is not about manipulation or telling people what they want to hear. Instead, it is about analyzing human factors and working in their direction.

Drive, by Daniel H. Pink

Most managers believe an increase in wages will motivate people. Sure, some people are motivated by money and it makes a good incentive, but it will not work in the long run. That is not real motivation and it will not boost the productivity.

Whether you are trying to motivate students, colleagues or employees, this book will break some myths down and help you understand what science behind motivation actually means – as well as how it can affect your life.

There are three different aspects that will build or boost motivation – mastery, autonomy and purpose. Find out how to master these and how to boost them in your employees to ensure their motivation skyrockets in no time.

The Motivation Trap, by John Hittler

Move on from those inspirational leaders posting quotes and random ideas over social media networks. This book will help you motivate yourself, but also develop some people skills to motivate others and push them forward.

Even if you follow a successful leader from Fortune 500, it does not mean that their employees are happy. They might be just as miserable, yet they get paid higher wages to keep doing it. What if motivation is not about the leader, but about the people?

This book brings in the author’s experience from years of coaching others. He explains the factors behind motivation and provides crystal clear instructions on how to overcome its limitations. Whether you use it for yourself or your team, get ready to fly.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey

The book is a self-help guide on how to overcome obstacles and recover your motivation – simple as that. It is a classic that gives you clear instructions on how to set good goals and achieve them without even noticing it.

Effectiveness in work, business or life is basically a balance between getting good results with consideration for what creates such results. The book revolves around effectiveness, proactivity, win-win situations and the necessity to understand what is going on around you.

How about doing everything in the right order? How about beginning with the end in mind? How about seeking to understand before being understood? All these things are explained in small details to help you adjust as you go through the book.

Bottom line, these are some of the best transformational leadership books to hone your skills. Whether you seek a leadership position or you already have a team working for you, work on yourself and then work on your people. Patience is mandatory, but persistence and consistency are just as important.

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