An anthology that contains real stories from various survivors of abuse. Peace Over Pieces Non-Profit’s CEO Clara Baldwin gathered the stories you will uncover in each chapter. Your purchase of this book will help turn victims into survivors of abuse. Thank you to all of the brave survivors in this anthology. All of them endured years of physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Whether it was physical, emotional, or sexual torment, it was never an easy journey, and they didn’t always get the help they needed from the system. By telling their stories, these survivors are letting others know that it’s possible to overcome both the trauma of domestic violence and the injustice of the system. They are using their experiences to help others and showing that there is a way out.

Since starting the podcast in 2018, Peace Over Pieces has on average 3000+ listeners a month, raised thousands in donations.

If you want to learn more or help, please visit the organization’s website!

Read online Peace Over Pieces Anthology by Survivors of Abuse by Clara Baldwin

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