A personal message from the author:

Indigo Lost is my first novel, which I have dedicated to my wife Jelena. I want to write at least two more, one for my daughter and another for my son. I hope you will enjoy my novel. I wish you all the best, and don’t stop
dreaming those little dreams – because even a tiny shoot can grow into a
towering tree.

— Aleksandar Gutovic 

Journalist Edward Lindstrom attends a hypnosis session in search of a story but quickly finds himself, along with the other participants, in the sights of the secretive Order of Anu. This cult seeks the Chosen One, the bearer of a secret and forgotten human history. Edward will be caught up in a mystery that will take the group on a journey to a sacred land. As they solve the clues they find at every turn, the company find themselves drawing closer to a source of knowledge and truth that has awaited their coming for millennia.

Will the invisible hand of the Seekers and their disciples prevent them from passing through the Gate of the Gods and taking all of mankind with them?

Read online Indigo Lost by Aleksandar Gutovic


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