A Story from Many True Stories A South Point Rickey Suspense Novel

This coming of age suspense novel centers on nineteen year old Richard Wilson Osgood, aka South Point Rickey. A handsome, Southern Californian surfer who through no fault of his own becomes entangled in the chaos of the ’60’s. After high school Rickey’s interests extended no further than surfing, hanging with his buddies, his dog Rusty, and exploring romance.

That all changes at an anti-war demonstration when he witnesses protestors beaten by police. Now he is being watched by people who are exploiting the antiwar movement for their own political ends. This situation becomes deadly when he witnesses the killing of Bobby Kennedy and knows the lone gunman theory is a lie. Now he has the governments well as the Mob looking for him. What choice does he have but to flee, and try to start a new life? But they find him and are closing in and he see no exit; save one.

Read online No Exit for the Innocent by Robert Granafei

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