At age 36 Pedro riding a motorcycle along with his wife, was forced to crash into a girl driving and talking on the phone. He died for 15 minutes, was given CPR on the way to hospital, revived into a two month coma with doctors giving his wife and his two sisters 90% that if and when he woke up, he would be a vegetable. Fortunately, that wasn’t the case, he was reborn at 36. To a much harder life, definitely more difficult, with much less than before, but he believes the accident was an answer to prayers. Was he given a second chance in life because he saved his wife from accident crash?

The true story of Pedro Lebron. A tale showing that when you let God drive your life you will not crash, you may suffer accidents along the way like his, but with your believe, determination, and focus, and of course god in the driver seat, your journey will continue.

He had to start all over. Learning to walk and talk again. Showing that prayers will be answered even in unexpected ways… and you could make the best of life regardless of your condition. Read it, email him, and let him know your thoughts.

A personal message from the author:

I wake up with my wife and two sisters staring at me seriously. I ask them “What’s going on, where am I?” they tell me I just woke up from a two-month coma. Two months! My mind was confused, my whole body felt strange. I realize I’m in a locked bed, in a strange place. I ask them again, “Where am I?” they tell me I’m in a hospital that specializes in my injuries miles from home. Traumatic brain injury. I’m told that a lady driving and talking on the phone made me crash into her. She basically jumped in front of me. I was in one of my motors. I crashed into her and went flatline.

I suffered traumatic brain injury. The minimum recovery time for a trauma victim to recover is five years. It was three years ago for me 7 days ago. I owned and ran three companies with more than 160 employees in total. A DNA and drug testing company, a hotel renovation company, and last but not least a building permit company. I have always worked so hard to give a good and comfortable life to my wife and children. I went from selling over $6 million with my business to counting change for gas the other day. My whole life changed in fifteen minutes. With everything aside, I feel like this accident was an answer to my prayers.

— Pedro Lebron


Read online Reborn At 36 by Pedro Lebron

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