Enter the world of Maya and Bits, where action and adventure are always just a magical bridge away. One-eyed teddy bear, wizards, angels, ghosts, and griffins are just the beginning of what these pages hold. Dare to look inside to join the adventure of two young girls as they face pitfalls and perils to uncover the mysteries of magic and bring peace once again to their side of the bridge.Learning that her grandfather built a magical bridge, Maya and her best friend Bits decide to venture across and see what happens. With Randolph, their one-eyed teddy bear, in tow, they discover more than they ever believed possible. Now that the bridge has vanished, they have to figure out how to get home. Can they do it before dark…or will they become a witch’s dinner?Miss Maya and the Bridge to Everywhere is perfect for readers who are beginning chapter books and who enjoy fun, adventure, and lively characters.

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