
“It started with a trip to the Zoo. My 4 year old daughter was captivated by the giraffes. She said, “Daddy, look how high their heads go up. They almost touch the sky.”

And then she shared a message and reminder that we should never forget,

“Daddy, when you go to work, you should tell everyone to be like the giraffe and keep your head up!”

And so I am! I didn’t plan to write this book, but the words came to me during a time we all will never forget. There are so many things in life that give us a reason to put our head down and want to give up. But the words on these pages will fuel your spirit, mind and attitude with energy, positivity, resilience, hope and encouragement. You are going to want to get a few copies because this is one book you are going to want to share.

Special discounts on the author’s website! 

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