I made this photograph back in November on the Saturday the presidential election results were announced. It was a long day of walking around Boston covering marches, celebrations and protests. It was getting late in the afternoon and I knew I already had a number of photographs, plus I still had to file the photographs to my agency, Polaris Images.

I was thinking, I should just walk back to studio to file the photographs, however if I just wait a bit longer, the daylight will begin to fade, the streets lights will come on and blue hour will begin. I always like making photographs during blue hour, whether I am covering news or making travel photographs.

Keeping mobile

When I cover news events, I don’t carry much equipment — two Nikon D850 cameras, one with a Tamron 17-35mm (B&H | Amazon) or a Tamron 24-70mm (B&H | Amazon), and one with a Tamron 100-400mm (B&H | Amazon) or a Tamron 70-200mm f/2.8 (B&H | Amazon) lens.

I always have a sppedlight on one camera for flash fill, the Nissin MG80 (B&H | Amazon). It recycles fast and is incredibly accurate on exposure. In midday harsh light, I use it to fill in the shadows. I underexpose the flash by one stop, which fills in the shadows but doesn’t blow out the character of the available light. At blue hour, I use the flash to add some life and movement to my photograph.

The only other things I carry are an extra camera battery and a couple of memory cards.

Biden supporters celebrate Joe Biden being declared President Elect and Kamala Harris being elected Vice President of the United States on November 7, 2020 in Boston, MA. (Rick Friedman/Polaris)

Using flash fill

When using flash fill you want to add to the photograph, not over power it. By the time I made this flag photograph, the ambient had dropped, and the flash fill made the flag pop in the scene. My exposure was 1/15s, f/4 and ISO 100. This slow shutter speed makes the flag pop while giving the feeling of movement.

When creating a photo like this, I quickly take a meter reading off the sky using the in-camera meter. Now I have a perfect sky, but the flag and the people are going dark. The Nissin flash fills in the foreground.

Biden supporters celebrate Joe Biden being declared President Elect and Kamala Harris being elected Vice President of the United States on November 7, 2020 in Boston, MA. (Rick Friedman/Polaris)

This technique works great for portraits and model shoots.

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