
Socialism and the Deep State’s War on Our Constitution

Illustrated by Galih Triyunato

To the up and coming generations, we’ve reached a crisis point in our nation’s history. The last this severe was the Civil War when brother fought brother. Our Constitution has been brutally assault-ed by forces seen and unseen. The 1st, 4th, and 5th amendment rights only apply to those who control the levers of power and not those they target and seek to destroy.

This book serves as a history lesson as our past is a guide to the present, and then to the future. In world history, there has never been a socialist country where promises made were promises kept. The picture painted is socialism leads to fairness or “More Hope and More Change.” The reality is it never has been that way and only leaves the masses destitute, empowering a few to control all.

It’s time for all to put your social media aside and pay attention to what is going on in this country as your freedoms are at stake. My one wish is that, hopefully, this book opens your eyes to what is happening to our country and the foundation of our existence, The Constitution of the United States of America with its Bill of Rights.

Read online Dad, Why Are You Still Talking About Saul Alinsky, He’s Been Dead Since 1972? by Steve Borovay

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