
The No Bullsh*t Guide to Business

Anthony Sadana’s “The Art of the Black Card,” is a fresh, concise, irreverent instruction manual on how to succeed as an entrepreneur based on the author’s own original insights and his risk-taking record as a businessman and innovator.

Although some readers have compared “The Art of the Black Card” to “Rich Dad, Poor Dad,” this is not a cookie-cutter business book filled with tired advice and worn-out cliches. “The Art of the Black Card” is a contrarian guidebook for success for a new generation of business owners and leaders — anyone with smarts, balls, and a passion for making money.

The book chronicles the author’s extreme ups and downs during a 20-year career as an online entrepreneur. Sadana has made and lost millions many times over, and spells out his hard-won lessons for the benefit of his readers. These lessons are more important than ever in today’s new world.

Read online The Artt of the Black Card by Anthony Ryan Sadana, Anthony Sadana

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