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I Am, by José González

I AM: 10 Things God Says About Me is a book that explores the importance of knowing what God has to say about you. This book is perfect for people who would like to get into the Bible but don’t know where to start. Who Am I? That is the billion-dollar question. What better way to know who you are than to go to the source? In this book, you will embark on a journey that will help you discover your identity in Christ. Knowing your identity will allow you to walk freely and fully into your purpose in life, and no one will ever be able to take that away from you.

Static Jedi by Eric Samuel Timm

Noise. It’s everywhere. Televisions blaring out commercials. Opinions shouted over the radio. The Internet and its unlimited distractions. All of the tasks and choices that you know don’t really matter. Always intensifying, becoming a deep part of our everyday cycle, our now hurried lives.

But often God speaks to us in the stillness. When Elijah needed to hear from God, God sent a fire, a quake, and a huge wind. But God wasn’t in the fire. He wasn’t in the quake. He wasn’t in the wind. God was in the whisper. But the noise hides the whisper.

God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts

Sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years, in two languages and several different genres. A worldwide bestseller published in countless sizes and bindings, translations and languages. Sworn by in court, fought over by religious people, quoted in arguments. The Bible is clearly no ordinary book. How can you begin to read and understand it as a whole? In this excellent overview, Vaughan Roberts gives you the big picture–showing how the different parts of the Bible fit together under the theme of the kingdom of God. He provides both the encouragement and the tools to help you read the Bible with confidence and understanding. And he points you to the Bible’s supreme subject, Jesus Christ, and the salvation God offers through him.

Women of the Bible by Christina Weigand

What can women who lived over 2000 years ago teach us about living in today’s hectic world? The answer to that question is; Lots, especially if you are looking to God for the answers. Through Eve, the Mother of all and of original sin. Sarah and Hagar tried to take matters into their own hands. Rachel and Leah are two sisters fighting for the love of one man. Delilah is an example of how we shouldn’t behave. Naomi and Ruth, a mother and her daughter-in-law, we see self sacrifice. Michal and Bathsheba show us the positive and negative side of forgiveness and tolerance. With Elizabeth, we see the willingness to look past her own triumphs while she seeks to help someone whose triumphs will eclipse her own. Mary, the mother of Jesus besides being an example for all mothers, gives us an example of totally giving oneself to God. Mary Magdalene will show us about finding love and satisfaction with God.

The Bible in 52 Weeks, by Dr. Kimberly D. Moore

A year of short, daily lessons from the Bible to deepen women’s faith.

When it comes to lifting spirits and finding peace in hard times, there is one place Christian women have always turned for help and advice―the Bible. The Bible in 52 Weeks is an inspiring bible study for women that breaks up the scriptures into manageable daily readings.

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