A newly-released deleted scene from Thor: Love and Thunder shows Zeus awkwardly visiting Thor and Jane in the hospital. After the success of 2017's Thor: Ragnarok, writer/director Taika Waiti was brought back to helm this summer's Thor: Love and Thunder. The fourth solo Thor adventure overall, the film follows Chris Hemsworth's eponymous hero as he teams up with Natalie Portman's Jane Foster, aka the Mighty Thor, to take down Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale).


Thor: Love and Thunder brings back a number of familiar faces, but it also features a host of newcomers, among them Crowe's Zeus. The Greek god, who was first teased in the film's trailers, played an important role during the film's extensive sequence at Omnipotence City. Thor, Jane, Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), and Korg (Waititi) travel to the great city in order to amass a force to defeat Gorr, but, instead of offering support, Crowe's Zeus ends up being an arrogant and self-centered god who makes a fool out of Thor. Although the sequence ends with Thor seemingly killing Zeus, with Crowe's character not showing up again until the film's post-credit sequence, a newly-released deleted scene shows that the Greek god almost played a bigger role.

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The scene, which is available to watch on the People website ahead of the film's release on digital and Blu-ray, shows a different version of a touching hospital scene between Thor and Jane. While an alternate version of the same scene makes it into the final film, the deleted version ends with Crowe's Zeus standing awkwardly behind a curtain, eating an ice cream cone. After being discovered, Zeus tells Thor to accompany him as he has "something [he] might need." Check out the deleted scene below:

Click here to watch the deleted scene.

Russell Crowe in character as Zeus in Thor Love and Thunder wearing God-like golden armor and flanked by women in gowns

A major subplot in Thor: Love and Thunder is Jane's cancer and the ways in which it drives her to take up Mjolnir and become Mighty Thor. The final cut of the film ends up featuring a very similar hospital scene, with Thor expressing that Jane should stay in the hospital to fight her disease while he goes off to fight Gorr. Interestingly, Zeus' comment at the end about giving Thor something he needs could be in reference to his thunderbolt, which Valkyrie steals in the final cut of the film.

Although many fans and critics have expressed that the Omnipotence City sequence might go on a little too long, Crowe's Zeus was a major source of comedy in Thor: Love and Thunder and a bigger role for the character may not have gone amiss. That being said, it's certainly understandable why this version of the hospital scene was cut, with Zeus' arrival ultimately taking away slightly from the emotional core of the scene with Thor and Jane. With Thor: Love and Thunder due out on Blu-ray in the new few weeks, it's likely that fans will be treated to even more deleted scenes, perhaps shedding light on a larger role for Zeus that never came to pass.

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