Simple and Easy (Parenting 101)

Have you ever wondered what recipe is required to have a great kid like the one’s you see when you go out to restaurants and they are perfectly behaved? Have you ever wished that, while you’re great-you could be an even greater parent? Do you know anyone who is using outdated strategies to rear their children? Have you recently or did someone you know recently have a baby or will be delivering soon?

This is the ultimate quick read that references the 10 Ways to Be a Great Parent. This book is full of tried and true methods to make anyone a great parent. If you can read, you can succeed in parenting with this book. Make it a required part of your family collection. It can be passed down from generation to generation, shared with friends and loved ones. They will thank you for it.

A personal message from the author:

No one has all the answers, but we often bar ourselves from our potential. We should consider what we are capable of when we put our minds to it. We all want better for our children whether they are our biological child, adopted/foster, God-child, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. No matter the relationship the idea stays the same – wanting more – and we should all take steps towards being better friends, providers and teachers for not only ourselves but our children.

— Shana Trahan M.

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