Passive income is a dream for many. Simply put, as long as you can manage to make the money multiply while you sleep, you are a winner. There are more ideas to get there and each of them involves work and going against the system and your beliefs. All in all, here are some of the best passive income books, as well as what you might learn from reading them.

How To Generate And Earn Royalty Income, by Marina Peters

This book goes straight to the point. It is not the type of book to motivate you or to give you generic ideas. Instead, it teaches you how to make money out of royalties, regardless of the industry. The best thing about royalty income is that it has an incredibly low correlation with other assets. For instance, stocks go up and down.

Meanwhile, people still play their favorite music, so this industry is likely to go up. From this point of view, the music industry is less likely to be affected by other assets. It is an aspect not too many people think about, but a brief analysis will make it pretty obvious. Royalty income is very likely to become a thing for the future.

Options Trading, by Benjamin Ray Kratter

Options trading could be the next big thing if you know how to do it. There are some mechanical principles associated with it. You need to keep an eye on the market and observe trends and ideas. Unfortunately, the lack of experience is what makes people fail, so there are more losers than winners in this field.

This book will help you understand the concept of options trading, as well as the things that can make money or lose your money. You will learn that while a bit of planning and calculation is always involved, options trading brings in lots of speculation. You have to see things before they happen and make the right guesses – this is when experience kicks in.

Social Media Marketing 2020, by Chandler Wright

There are six different books that can help you discover some passive income ideas in this set. You will learn about social media marketing, but also discover some affiliate marketing secrets, dropshipping mastery and passive income ideas. When it comes to passive income ideas, there are 35 great options and proven principles explained in the smallest details – all about achieving financial freedom.

Each book will introduce you to a different industry. The one based on passive income covers a plethora of different ideas, while the others relate to online passive income opportunities in very specific ways. You get step by step instructions, but you are also told about the operating principles of each industry – what else could you ask for?

Mud 2 Millions, by Ayesha Selden

Ayesha Selden will not sell you fancy ideas or motivational quotes Instead, this book is about seven cheats anyone could apply to run rich in no time. The book takes you through the same steps the author has taken in order to come up with a multi million investment portfolio.

The book is not for everyone though. It is mostly aimed at those who see the millionaire club as an impossible dream. The author helps those who grew in poverty understand that anyone can make a seven digit income with the right amount of work.

Passive Income, by Sergeant Biz

Are you sick and tired of your nine to five job? You are not the only one. You feel like you will be stuck in there for ages, so your dreams are slowly fading away. This book will teach you how to make money while you sleep. Whether you dream of cocktails on the beach, a new car or a better future for your family, there are more ways to get passive income – whether offline or over the Internet.

The book will introduce the reader to a bunch of different ideas. Many of them are available over the Internet, but the principles apply to pretty much any business out there. Some ideas are straight to the point, while other chapters relate to principles that are likely to boost a business.

Real Estate Investing For Beginners, by Williams W. Scotty

You do not have to be a genius to understand it – real estate makes loads of money and this is the ultimate type of investment. Not everyone can afford it apparently, but there are certain ways to start in this industry and make it big.

This set of two books will show you exactly how to get started. It will introduce you to the beautiful industry of real estate investing. It will also teach you that you can build a legacy without having too much money to begin with.

Dropshipping eCommerce Business Model 2020, by Jeremy Zack

Dropshipping is fairly simple to understand. You sell things that you do not have. You take orders, forward them to a supplier and make money out of it. This book breaks it down in more chapters. You get to understand the legal profile of this business, how to choose a niche and how to find a supplier

You will then be able to start a shop with all the relevant aspects – from secure payments to social media marketing.

28 Books To $100K, by Michelle Kulp

Six figures are just as good as seven figures. It seems that 28 books in a catalog will help you make $100K or more. It makes no difference what you are or what industry you activate in. You could be a healer, a trainer, a business owner, a consultant and so on.

This book will introduce you to the secrets of writing a book a month. Even if you have never written a book, the book will teach you how to write stuff that people like.

Bottom line, these are some of the top-rated best passive income books and chances are you can easily gain a few handy ideas about how to get closer to financial freedom.

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