Fantasy and sorcery books are often associated with kids, but this is only a misconception. When was the last time you left yourself in a warrior’s hands to take you through a beautiful magic adventure? Anyone can get hooked in, regardless of the age. All in all, here are some of the best mythic sword and sorcery fantasy books of 2020.

Birth Of The Fae, by Danielle Marie Orsino

Two angels remain on earth after an impressive war with Lucifer – simply abandoned by their creator. Their wings decay and there is no way they can make their way back. Is there a plan behind this unfaithful action? The two have no hope to return to their kingdom whatsoever, so they need to reinvent and rediscover themselves in a world they have no clue about. They call themselves the Fae and their story will take you through an adventurous world and lots of challenges.

This mythic story should be on the first place this year.

The Obsidian Tower, by Melissa Caruso

If you are into fantasy or you simply want a relaxing book out of this world, Melissa Caruso’s work will hook you in after the first pages. Ryxander can save the world or she can simply destroy everything with a wrong move. The world could end up in darkness and everything is different from her views. There is lots of intrigue involves, not to mention ambition and magic. Will she manage to save the world? There is only one way to find out…

The Killing Fog, by Jeff Wheeler

The story follows Bingmei, who survives from a combat school and has no prospects in life. She joins a group of mercenaries and gets employed by a nobleman who likes rare artifacts. The mission? Discover the treasures associated with a lost palace lost ages ago and buried in a glacier place. However, reaching the dead is never easy. This kind of invasion comes with a price and nothing seems real. Bingmei ends up struggling between trust, ambition and loyalty.

The Order Of The Pure Moon Reflected In Water, by Zen Cho

The family wuxia fantasy book by Zen Cho brings in an impressive mix that will leave your speechless. You have ancient martial arts fights and techniques mixed with historical names and magic. What else can you ask for? The book follows a bandit’s story. Guet Imm ends up working with some thieves and gets the mission to protect a sacred item. It all starts with a coffeehouse. She walks into it and everything goes crazy. The amount of excitement associated with this story is hard to describe in words.

It Came From The Sky, by Chelsea Sedoti

At a first glance, it looks like a small town from Pennsylvania has been invaded by aliens. Things can only go wrong from there. However, as you keep reading, you discover those are not aliens. Gideon Hofstadt is the only one who really knows what happens. Some of these scientific experiments did not go as planned. He and his brother know the truth and they have to do whatever to save their town and the entire world from extinction.

A World Of Secrets, by James Maxwell

Secrets of all kinds taunt the world and things seem to go darker and darker. Everyone wants answers, but Taimin and Selena are a bit more pushy about it. They have to discover what happened. They need to find their origins and learn more about the firewall that keeps them trapped. Their fate is highly connected to the people around them. If they fail, their community fails. At this point, they start a perilous journey to the firewall and come up with a nice team of interesting characters to help them out.

Sorcery Of A Queen, by Brian Naslund

Whether you are into magic, sorcery, fantasy stories or just face paced action, Brian Naslund’s book will hook you in from the first few pages. Ashlyn is driven from her kingdom, yet she was supposed to become a queen. People accused her of sorcery, but is she really a witch? She has to go through a sophisticated journey to understand the secrets and powers associated with her story. Her friend Bershad joins her, but things are not always what they seem to be…

Along The Razor’s Edge, by Rob J. Hayes

Eskara Helsene has an impressive portfolio in terms of fighting. She is only 15 years old, but she has already been through the harshest war for the world… And she lost. The powerful sorcerer is then sent to the Pit. The prison is deep into the heart of the earth, so she is allegedly lost forever. However, she decides to change her fate. She is surrounded by all kinds of criminals, but she manages to find some allies, use some intrigue and let her ambition drive her. Her enemies will soon find out that it takes more than a prison to stop her.

The Bard’s Blade, by Brian D. Anderson

Follow Mariyah’s story, whose life could be described as boring in Vylari. She has a simple life with no interesting events going on. The land is far from the hatred and fear associated with the outside world. She spends most of her time making wine, while the love of her life – Lem – is a reputable musician. However, a stranger makes it to Vylari for the first time in hundreds of years. Things change for Mariyah and Lem and they need to face darkness on two separate paths.

The Fascinators, by Andrew Eliopulos

The book follows the story of three friends. Sam lives in a small magic town and brings back his old friends Delia and James to attend his graduation from the magic club. However, the senior year brings in some unexpected challenges, as their friendship seems to go cold. Each of them has different internal challenges. One of them is in love, another one is bored with magic and the last one gets some sketchy friends. Sam understands that the common love for magic is now splitting them apart. Is there a way to fix this?

A Phoenix First Must Burn, by Patrice Caldwell

Apart from Patrice Caldwell, this book brings in stories from a bunch of other authors, including Elizabeth Acevedo and Somaiya Daud. There are sixteen different tales specifically written for teenagers. Readers end up exploring magic, sorcery, science fiction and fantasy. Each story follows a different line. They are not related, so readers will enjoy sixteen different ideas that will also resemble modern day issues and controversies.

The Unspoken Name, by A. K. Larkwood

The Unspoken Name is the first book in an upcoming Serpent Games series. It brings in the story of Csorwe, an orc who is about to be sacrificed to a god. However, she is saved by Sethennai, a wizard who sees something wrong in this kind of action. As a thank you action, the orc becomes his most prolific spy and assassin. She decides to dedicate her life to find a missing artifact that will make the wizard impossible to defeat. Things change when Csorwe meets a young mage and her loyalties are likely to change.

Harrow The Ninth, by Tamsyn Muir

Tamsyn Muir has approached an interesting idea regarding fantasy and magic. This book is a sequel to Gideon The Ninth, but the two are not that related. All in all, the author tells the story of a necromancer struggling to survive. The story is quite intense and original. Get ready to discover a bunch of lesbian necromancers, insights of forbidden love and a magical world established in a haunted Gothic palace in the middle of nowhere.

Shorefall, by Robert Jackson Bennett

Shorefall brings in an unexpected and refreshing approach to magic. The story follows the story of a small business that struggles to survive – Foundryside. Owner Orso Ignacio and employee Sancia Grado are excellent at scriving, but it seems their skills are not enough to make it big, especially as massive competition wants to take the small business out. Things change when a powerful deadly entity is resurrected to join the business war.

Stormsong, by C. L. Polk

Dame Grace Hensley lives through hard times. An atrocity has stained her place and she needs to face the consequences. She helps her brother Miles get the problem sorted, but the issue is far from being over. With no power and a harsh winter ahead, the land is about to face a disaster. Grace tries her best to take her parents to a safe place, but unfortunately, she faces some obstacles and they are not that easy to overcome – a bunch of rogue mages and a powerful queen. Will the dame manage to save the land? Will her loved ones make it?

As a short final conclusion, these are some of the best mythic sword and sorcery fantasy books of 2020. Explore a mix of classic magic and modern fantasy, as well as a bunch of heroes and heroines that everyone would love to be close to.

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