Calls for entry for photo contests, you see them almost on a daily basis.

Whether they are local camera clubs or online communities, it’s likely most of us have entered a photo contest at least once. Here are some reasons for entering these contests.

It can give you focus

Many contests are focused on one genre of photography. Or, they have several categories that you can enter. Street, black and white, landscape, portrait, architecture and more. Choosing one category will help you focus on either creating a new image specifically to fit in that category, or you’ll have a reason for culling that one type of image from your archives.

Use a contest to learn something new

Beyond learning the ins and outs of contests, you might take the opportunity to learn a new genre or technique. If you’re an accomplished street photographer and there is a contest for motion blur or in-camera movement, take the time to create specific images using this technique applied to your street photography.

Be more aware of your camera settings

Those judging contests are typically on the lookout for the basics first. Is the image in focus, properly exposed and well-composed? Knowing that you are creating images with these questions in mind will have you constantly thinking of these things.

Let’s face it — when we are learning and sometimes when we know better, we forget to change our ISO or f-stop. Take this opportunity to get these basics in your head so that you think about them every single time you take your camera out.

There are prizes

photo contests win prizes sign
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

Who doesn’t love to win prizes? From money to gear you’ll find all types of offerings for the winning images. It could be a change to be published as well. Not every contest offers prizes. Sometimes, it’s all about the fun of the competition.

Be inspired by other photographers

Once all the entries have been listed, take the time to go through them. See how others have put their own spin on the theme or genre. What are you seeing that you never even considered before?

It can be validating

If you win, you’ll feel like you’re doing the right thing by being a photographer. All those hours spent taking images have paid off, even if there is no prize to be had. After all, we all need our egos elevated once in a while. Be careful when you don’t win that you don’t let it discourage you from your love of photography.

Remember to do your research, and makes sure the contest is legitimate. Read all the rules and conditions of entry. And, don’t gloss over the section about image rights.

Join Viewbug and Photofocus Awesome Landscapes photo contest

contests landscape mountains from Antarctica

Photofocus is happy to partner with Viewbug for the Awesome Landscapes Photo Contest.

We are excited to run this contest in collaboration with our Photofocus friends, who we’ve known for 14 years already!

Joining a photo contest is a great way to improve your photography. First, it provides an opportunity to explore new subjects that may be outside of one’s comfort zone. Second, contests provide a chance to get feedback from other photographers.

Finally, contests can be a great source of inspiration. So if you’re looking to improve your creativity, joining a photo contest is a great way to do it, and we invite you to participate today!

Ori Guttin, Viewbug Co-founder

The contest is open for submissions as of today and closes on Feb. 20, 2023.

Viewbug landscape contest graphic
Submit your landscape images.

Tell your story with the second annual Visual Storytelling Conference!

Experience four days of interactive, online training sessions featuring a range of educational content with experienced photographers and content creators. This free event kicks off with a series of technical boot camps to build essential skills, followed by live, online sessions on photography, video, business and social media. Join live from March 10-13, 2022!

Get your free ticket, or save on a VIP pass!

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