There are a series of good books about space and each of them explores it from a different point of view. Choosing the best books could be a bit overwhelming, as different people have different views regarding the space. All in all, these best books on space, astronaut discoveries and spaceflights will definitely inspire and inform you in an entertaining way. So, what are the best options out there?

A Brief History Of Time, by Stephen Hawking

If you want someone to explain the universe to you, you want that someone to be Stephen Hawking. No one could do it better than the world renowned scientist. He discusses black holes, time and space, as well as theories of relativity. Despite seeming too specific, the book is actually easy to understand and suitable to those who are not socket scientists – a good read if you want to know more about the universe, its origins and future.

They Are Already Here, by Sarah Scoles

Sarah Scoles studies the culture of UFOs and raises some interesting theories. She brings back many events that made it to the media – events that felt suspicious because authorities failed to provide too many details. For example, there was a story back in 2017 about a program regarding UFOs – a program launched by the Pentagon. Then, there was another story about a solar observatory getting closed by the FBI in 2018. There are many stories and events targeted by Sarah Scoles and they will definitely manage to fuel your hunger for some space exploration theories.

Finding Our Place In The Universe, by Hélène Courtois

Finding Our Place In The Universe is written by a French astrophysicist who decides to raise some theories and challenge your mind. She starts a new quest to figure out where the Milky Way came from. The author was part of a team that figured out what kind of cluster the Milky Way is part of. It happened in 2014 – the super cluster is now referred to as Laniakea. The book is extremely exciting and fast paced, helping you understand things that are not always mentioned in the media. Hélène Courtois takes an engaging approach and pursues Laniakea and its secrets, but she also talks about her own journey in this industry and the contributions of a few other astrophysicists.

Out There, by Mike Wall

Out There analyzes the most common question among space enthusiasts – what is out there? The author explains a few theories that seem quite realistic, as well as answers to the most popular questions. He explains why the world has not heard from whatever is out there yet. The book dramatizes the search for a new life, but it does it in a fun and exciting way.

Catching Stardust, by Natalie Starkey

Natalie Starkey discusses a few myths and misconceptions about steroids and comets while emphasizing the importance of studying them. She also discusses these views back in the day when there was no science. Ancient people used to see them as dangerous omens controlling the skies. Furthermore, the goes into a few controversial topics too – definitely a mind blower.

The Planet Factory, by Elizabeth Tasker

Astrophysicist Elizabeth Tasker aims to help people understand what scientists have managed to discover about faraway planets and stars – way beyond the solar system. She explains everything in an easy manner and features a refreshing tone that will definitely entice a space enthusiast. The style is friendly and the book is written in a humorous way. There are funky explanations here and there, so it makes a good option for those who want to understand modern astronomy.

See It With A Small Telescope, by Will Kalif

Did you just get a new telescope? Will Kalif will help you discover some of the most interesting things in the sky. Whether you want to watch the moon, star clusters, planets or weird things, there are lots of things to find out about. The book narrows the never ending sky to what every space enthusiast wants to see, so the guide is excellent for those who are just getting into this industry. All in all, the book is suitable for both teenagers and adults.

See You In Orbit?, by Alan Ladwig

Written by a former NASA manager, this book studies space exploration in a different way. If you are among those people with space flights on their bucket lists, consider yourself lucky. This book analyzes the evolution of space discoveries, but it also studies the possibility of commercial space flights. There are more companies out there working on materializing this idea, whether it comes to Virgin Galactic, SpaceX or Blue Origin. Based on Alan Ladwig’s studies and vision, chances are commercial space travel is only a matter of time.

Identified Flying Objects, by Michael Masters

No one can say no to an exciting book about unidentified flying objects – UFOs. People love these types of stories, especially when they also make it to the news. They capture everyone’s attention. This book raises a new theory. Michael Masters asks himself… What if those strange beings and unidentified objects actually represent human descendants? What if time travel will be possible in the future and out descendants visit us to study the evolutionary past? It sounds crazy, but the idea is provocative and brings in some interesting theories that can hook anyone in.

Making Contact, by Sarah Scoles

Half a century ago, only a few scientists out there were trying to get signals from outside civilizations. Jill Tarter was one of them. Known as one of the most influential scientists in terms of space, her story is well put out by Sarah Scoles in a book that describes some of her greatest achievements. Despite living in a world where extraterrestrial life and women were not given too much importance, she has managed to find the resources to push her work into modern science.

Bottom line, these are some of the best space books to enhance your imagination and discover things you had no clue about.

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