Prey star, Amber Midthunder, recently addressed the possibility of a sequel to the Predator film. Set in 1719, Midthunder stars as Naru, a young Comanche woman who wishes to become a respected warrior within in her tribe. When she comes face-to-face with the Predator during her hunting proving ritual, she must track and kill the ruthless alien hunter before it wipes out her entire tribe.

Upon Prey's release on the Hulu streaming service, the Predator film immediately received praise from both critics and fans alike. The action-horror movie quickly became the highest-rated franchise entry to include the original Predator from 1987. Due to its success, many fans have wondered if there are any plans for a direct sequel. Director Dan Trachtenberg revealed that he has entertained the idea of returning for a sequel while making Prey, but instead he focused on creating the best movie possible.


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In a recent interview with EW, Midthunder addressed the possibility of a potential sequel for her hit Predator film, Prey. Unfortunately, the actor admits that she does not know if there are any plans for a sequel. However, she acknowledged the time and effort that both Trachtenberg and the studio took to make Prey as good as it can be. Read what Midthunder said below.

I don't know what the plans are for the future, but I trust whatever decision is made. Dan [Trachtenberg] spent so long developing this with 20th Century. Obviously, all that time was used to make a really great thing. I'm sure that nobody would make something again, if it wasn't amazing. So I think whatever happens, I think it will be the right choice.

Prey Predator movie creature standing in a cave Amber Midthunder as Naru

Midthunder appears to realize that Prey's was a result of the great care Trachtenberg and the studio put into the film. Although she did not outright state that she would return for a sequel, her positive comments indicate that she would likely reprise her role if 20th Century Studios took a similar amount of care with the sequel as they had with Prey. However, Trachtenberg seemingly left the door open if the studio decided to greenlight a sequel.

During Prey's unqiue credits sequence, the events of the film were portrayed with animated cave-style drawings. However, the animation continued past the finale of the movie, where Naru is honored as the tribe's new War Chief, and featured a fleet of Predator ships emerging from the clouds and appearing above the Comanche celebration. If Prey 2 were to happen, the movie will likely be a direct sequel and feature more than one Predator hunter. As Predator 2 has shown, the Yautja hunters need to acquire the Raphael Adolini flintlock pistol from Naru to maintain franchise continuity. Barring a future announcement from Trachtenberg or 20th Century Studios, audiences can only hope Prey will receive a sequel.

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