You’ve probably been using your computer mouse or laptop trackpad for years to edit your photos. But did you know that there is another option for detailed edits and retouching your photos?

What is a drawing tablet?

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A drawing tablet, like the Veikk Voila is used instead of a computer mouse or a laptop trackpad. They usually come with a pen and allow you to draw with absolute precision and detail on the matte surface. Pretty much anything you can do with a computer mouse or trackpad can be done with a pen or drawing tablet. These are nothing like an iPad or similar. They connect to your computer via a USB cable and replace a mouse.

Can’t I just use a mouse?

Yes, of course, you can. You’ve probably happily used one for years. But if like me, you want more precision, and more details then this might just be the answer for you too. The pen is pressure sensitive, so you can use more brushes and more variables to edit. I often find tools in Lightroom, Photoshop, etc. respond better to a pen and drawing tablet. “Clone,” “Healing” and such react well to a pressure-sensitive pen.

The benefits of a drawing tablet

  • Pressure sensitive pen allows for highly detailed retouching or graphic work
  • Comfortable and easy to use, more ergonomic than a mouse or trackpad
  • You can program the buttons on the pen and tablet to whatever you need them to be

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But aren’t they expensive?

There is no argument that there are some expensive versions out there, especially ones with an actual screen and some brands which can get a bit pricey too. But if you hunt around there are some really good basic tablets around, like the Veikk Voila for under $50. There are various other brands, like Wacom too.

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