Sure, it’s easy to remove small minor dust or sensor spots in Capture One. But what happens when it gets a little more complicated?

Well, there are tools to help, but a little bit of know-how and some patience work wonders. So, I took two images and gave them slightly different treatments to show how to correct these two common problems.

Step by step video on using both tools in Capture One

Using the Healing Mask tools

There are a few different tools in Capture One (23): Remove Spot, Draw Healing Mask and Draw Cloning Mask. All are slightly different in their abilities. Remove Spot only allows you to dab on a spot area for say sensor duct spot. Draw Healing Mask allows you to draw and let AI fix the selected area, while Draw Cloning Mask allows you to select an area to choose pixels from (Alt and click). I suggest turning the mask on and zooming in to see the results better. Check out the Before & After below.

Magic Brush & Magic Eraser

Magic Brush in Capture One
Magic Brush in Capture One

The Magic Brush allows you to quickly create masks over a similar area, using the brush to add the mask as you go. The Magic Eraser can then remove it from unwanted areas. Build up Adjustment layers to darken the shadows in background areas a little at a time. Depending on how much contrast is on your background from your foreground, this may only need one layer, mine took 12! Check out the Before & After below.

I haven’t edited these images any further, but it is a simple step to start your editing process from here. Just make sure NOT to edit on the Adjustment Layers used to alter the background, as it may cause strange results.

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