Whether it comes to the Down syndrome, autism or any other disability, raising such a child can be a challenging experience. You sit there on a couch waiting for the doctor’s verdict and the news hits you like a lightning bolt – your child has a disability that will never move on. It feels like the world has ended for you, but there is still hope out there.

There are plenty of books for parents of children with special needs or disability problems. While not all of them may be helpful, some of them stand out in the crowd. They can inspire you, but they can also change your life and give you some dreams and goals to aim for, making the whole adventure much more exciting.

Not only do you get to understand your children better, but you also become a better parent. We collected some of the most relevant books for you in the following list.

The Best Life Possible For Your Child With Special Needs: 16 Tips You Need To Know, by Rosemary Alfredo

Rosemary Alfredo did not write a book based on research and well known facts. Instead, she wrote a masterpiece based on her own personal experience. Her daughter Collette was born in 1990. She was healthy but facing the diagnosis and challenges born Down Syndrome. The author faced challenges and unfairness in her struggle to find opportunities, treatments and resources for her daughter.

With time, Rosemary Alfredo has created a life beyond expectations for her daughter. In the end, she went to college and even managed to become a business owner. She creates jobs for other people with disabilities and speaks for crowds who need inspiration. She is a global speaker and the result of excellent parenting that everyone can learn something from.

How to Cope: Parenting a Child with Special Needs by Christine E. Staple Ebanks

Christine E. Staple Ebanks is a mother of four and his son Nathan was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at his birth. Christine felt that there aren’t so many resources to handle this situation, most of the books available are describing only the disabilities, but they don’t give advices how to deal with the situation or the depression. A lot of people encouraged the author to write down her own answers to this very important question: How to cope with it? This is her third book in this topic.

The books focuses also on the emotional part of the journey and how to move forward after the diagnosis. What could be a proper help that parents need in the early or later stages. The experiences of the author will give a lot of new ideas for families who are seeking for answers. This book isn’t about the disability itself, but about the parents and families, who experience this very journey.

Far From The Tree: Parents, Children And The Search For Identity, by Andrew Solomon

This is one of the most recommended books for parents of children with special needs or disabilities. It is not just a recommendation, but a manual and a guide that can help you cope with your child’s difficulties. It tackles your struggle from more directions. It covers over a decade of research, but it is also inspired from hundreds of interviews. In other words, it has both science and personal experiences.

The book covers one of the most important aspects of parenting. To what extent should you accept your child for who they are? Then, how far can you push them to become their best selves? Are there any limits? While each family has to face particular challenges, some things are in common – especially the feelings of isolation.

Child Decoded: Unlocking Complex Issues In Your Child’s Learning, Behavior Or Attention, by Marijke Jones, Robin E. McEvoy and Kim Gangwish

This book applies to everyone struggling with kids. It is like a manual of instructions for children. While parents of healthy children can also learn from it, it appeals to those raising kids with disabilities. Whether it comes to behavioral problems or learning problems, the manual will help you understand what your child has to struggle with on a daily basis.

You will gain access to lots of guidelines, but you will also have checklists for a healthy growth. Moreover, you will discover the most common situations to face, as well as their solutions. The best part about this book? You do not get a solution for each problem, but more options. After all, each child is unique and requires a particular approach.

The Autistic Brain: Helping Different Kinds Of Minds Succeed, by Temple Grandin and Richard Panek

Temple Grandin and Richard Panek explain everything about the autistic brain. Having a child struggling with autism involves a bit of research. The good news is the condition is not completely misunderstood. There is some science behind it and knowing causes and potential treatments can help you enrich your little one’s life.

Apart from science, this book also helps you understand behaviors and patterns. Some of the symptoms and happenings relate to particular types of the brain, which helps you understand what is going on in your kid’s life. In a world where doctors recommend learning programs based on the kids’ weaknesses, authors focus on their strengths instead. This kind of idea boosts your child’s unique contribution.

Look Me In The Eye: My Life With Asperger’s, by John Elder Robinson

This book takes you to an autistic patient’s personal memoirs. Practically, you get a deep insight into your kid’s brain and points of view. You get to understand how your child sees the surrounding world and what causes difficulty. At the same time, you discover a new world that your child cannot really talk about, so your educational venture becomes much easier.

The author brings back memories from childhood. During his high school years, he was known to be social deviant. Things were messy until he was 40 years old. At that time, he was diagnosed with autism. While late, he did manage to go through life and successfully face challenges, but the diagnostic changed the way he saw the world.

Different, by Sally Clarkson and Nathan Clarkson

Different tells the story of a family. Nathan has always been full of energy, yet he also dealt with OCD and anxiety. He has his own filter for the world and he was often referred to as being troubled or bad. His mother Sally saw things differently. She noticed something is different, but she believed it is her child’s greatness, rather than his weakness.

The book follows their stories – sometimes, the same stories. They come from two different perspectives – mother and sun. You get two different perspectives regarding growth with a mental disorder, which can help you cope with your child’s issue. At the same time, you also understand what your child sees through their own lens.

Bottom line, these books will most likely change your life. They will help you understand your child and adopt a more appropriate technique during the childhood – not to mention later support. They will give you a dream and a goal, but they will also make you feel positive, rather than negative.

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