Camera manufacturers have a very tough job in designing camera bodies, knobs and buttons to fit every hand comfortably. On the whole, they do a fantastic job given the plethora of sizes, shapes and lengths of the population’s fingers. When you have a camera you enjoy and there’s just this one little thing … I suggest you make your own camera body modifications. It’s easier than you think.

Why make changes?

You’ve made your choice and you have the camera in which you have made the investment and like but find that you are constantly bumping a button by mistake. That can be irritating as all get out! But, everything else is wonderful. Modifications come to the rescue. I have found a great way to customize with a product called Sugru.

What is Sugru?

Sugru is a moldable glue that can be formed into the shape that you wish. When you pull it out of the packaging it feels like a thick dough. Once it hits the air there are about 20 minutes to get it into the shape that you wish. After molding leave it alone for 24 hours and it sets into its final form. Once cured, Sugru Moldable Glues are waterproof and long-lasting, just like other silicone rubbers. So you can use them on your camera and still find them weatherproof.

By the way, Sugru comes in many colors, but I went with basic black so it looked like the rest of the camera. You might want to try different colors.

My modification

Sugru modification signified by the arrow makes it almost impossible to accidentally push the button.

On my Lumix GH5 I constantly found my display settings changing, as my thumb was squeezing the button without my permission and knowledge. No matter how I tried to modify my grip it kept happening. I learned about Sugru and thought I’d give it a try. I rolled out a little into a snake shape and formed it into a circle around the display button.

After it pressed to the shape I wanted I added a little texture using some canvas that I pressed into the material before setting it aside to dry for 24 hours. (If I were to do this again I would use a more textured canvas) The finished modification felt and looked as if it came from the factory (well, close enough for me!).

The result is I now have to TRY to make the display settings change by intentionally pressing the button.

Peak Design camera strap

The Peak Design Leash strap is clipped in and ready to go, showing the quick length adjustment feature.

Another modification I have made to my camera was adding Peak Design straps to all my cameras. It makes it possible to quickly add or remove a camera strap. Comes in very handy when using a tripod. You don’t have the strap floating in the wind or trying to wrap it to get it out of the way. The quick-release mechanism is a treat.

Yours in Creative Photography, Bob

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