Famed psychic, Akira Johansen is recovering from a messy divorce and plagued by an ex-husband who continues to stalk her in a vindictive quest to bring her down. She puts the emotional turmoil on hold and accepts an invitation from a wealthy businessman to go to St. Augustine, Florida and search for the man’s missing father, a Holocaust survivor who mysteriously disappeared. When she arrives in town, the police sergeant in charge of the investigation wants nothing to do with Akira or her special abilities. He pawns her off on Christian Price, a rookie detective she knew when she lived in town fifteen years earlier. Akira and Christian follow emerging clues to discover the elderly man has been kidnapped. Despite continued interference by the sergeant, Akira finds hidden documents and a mysterious object that challenges their perceptions of the victim and the reason he was kidnapped.

Read online Judged by their Deeds by Ian John Coubrough

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