15 Savory Low Fat Pocket Recipes

The Easy Guide to Cooking with Microgreens Book 2

The Great Debate: To Heat or Not to Heat Microgreens

So, we know a few things about mighty microgreens.

  • Research in the past five years has tripled.
  • Demand is increasing, and supermarkets and food establishments are making them available locally.
  • There is no question that they are the “latest thing” in the culinary world.

Microgreens have become popular in North America, North Europe, Asia, and Oceania. And more and more chefs, are preparing more and more dishes, that cater to more and more health-conscious consumers like you, who are particularly attentive to your diet (antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins), food quality, and healthy living.

But chefs are still only using microgreens to “enhance” salads or as edible garnishes to embellish a wide variety of other dishes.

And if you scour the Internet, but for the infrequent exception, everybody discourages “cooking” microgreens because they say you lose nutritional value.

But no one seems to have quantified just “how much do you lose?”

So, I set out to find out because I wanted your 15 Microgreen Soup Recipes to be indeed savory, tasty, and nutritious.

Read online Eat Now! Microgreen Soups by Andrew Neves

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