
A Comforting Bedtime Story for Little Ones Who Are Missing Daddy and Those Special Mommies Who Take Care of Their Little Hearts.

A personal message from the author:

I wrote this book as a personal experience. I want to share with other moms like me that when we lose daddies or any parent, all children at all ages feel grief. I wanted them to have a comforting way to address the needs of toddler, pre-school, elementary kids as they face this difficult journey. I included a helpful guide just for mommies on some experiences that I encountered and how with my faith I was able to soothe my little one’s heart.
It is already a challenge to grieve your loved one as an adult, but we also have to remember that we must continue to be that support for our little ones who do not know exactly how to understand the concept of loss, mourning, and grief.
Personally, I found it one of my greatest challenges to get in the mind of a 17 month old child who knew that something was different. People will say “they don’t know what’s going on.” As a mom, I knew that my child sensed the loss of her father. There was something different in our home and she walked around looking for that safety and protection and of course that voice that was no longer around. This book is to encourage little ones that daddy is always in their heart. It was a great story that I used to help my little one and I hope it will help with your little ones too!

— Kelita L. Reynolds 

Sydney was just seventeen months old when her daddy died, and she sometimes struggled to understand why he wasn’t there. My Daddy Angel offers a Christian, fictional story written by Sydney’s mom, Kelita Reynolds, giving her a safe place to accept the loss of her father. Geared toward toddler- and preschool-age children, Reynolds offers a heartwarming story to help answer little one’s questions such as, “Where is my daddy?” “What happened to daddy?” “When will daddy come back home?” “Did I do something to make daddy go away?” With a reader’s guide included, My Daddy Angel helps a surviving parent have a comforting way to explain the sudden absence of daddy.

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