Message to the readers:

From a high-security position at the White House under Presidents Johnson and Nixon to his career as the most zealous and feared Polygraph Operator in the country, Doug Williams undergoes a striking conversion as he comes to terms with the truth about the workings of the Polygraph Machine, ” an Orwellian instrument of torture perpetuating the longest-running con in American history,” His crisis of conscience and determination to atone for the innocent lives he has destroyed lead not only to important changes in Legislation, but to his eventual testimony before Congress against the use of the Polygraph, ” My name is Douglas Gene Williams and I plead guilty to crimes against humanity.”

False Confessions is a true story about Doug Williams and his crusade against the Polygraph, and the multi-billion dollar Polygraph Industry.

Williams began as a U.S. Air Force assigned as a Communications Specialist in the top security Situation Room of the White House under Presidents Johnson and Nixon. From there his career blossomed as one of the most formidable and feared Polygraph Operators in the country. He personally conducted over 6,000 polygraph examinations over a six year period which resulted him to become the “King of the Polygraph.” But then things changed. A come to Jesus moment brought Doug to reality that the government was using the polygraph to prosecute innocent people in order to keep things in order and protect 2 billion dollar lie detector industry.

Launching his forty year crusade against the lie detector he proved the polygraph doesn’t work…and ended up in prison.

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