Botanical Spirits

Do you believe that plants can communicate?

The botanical world holds a rich, rooted history, and it is alive, speaking to us today! Lydia Blue’s passion is for wild things! Living and working in Colorado, Lydia becomes acquainted with a man named Stone. She continues to brush shoulders with this handsome but seemingly hard-hearted co-worker. Despite the friction in their relationship, together they unravel a tribal plot that seems harmless to Stone, but suspicious to Lydia. Unwavering in her curiosity, she pushes to discover the legend behind a sacred ceremony taking place on the Ladora lands. Stone’s fascination with this strong-willed woman is persistent, and he’s not shy to let her know. Ada Pearl, Lydia’s precious grandmother, is her inspiration. With the gift of foresight, Ada is a guide in life’s challenges. Ada is a medicine woman, dwelling in her cozy mountain home, awaiting her granddaughters’ visits. Their bond is strong, grounded in love, the knowledge of nature’s healing power, and respect for their Creator.

Can Lydia and her grandmother unveil the truth? Will Stone stand in their way? Travel through this book of the mysterious botanical realm, where plants whisper wisdom and a battle of light versus darkness unfolds.

BONUS: Herbal Medicine Recipes at the end of the book!

A personal message from the author:

I hold a strong admiration for botanicals, so writing about them takes me to new ideas! I also find fascinating the depths of the human soul. I wrote this novella series, beginning with “Enlightened”, to combine these two loves, connecting the possibilities of the botanical world interweaving with us in the human realm. This story was created to reflect the healing power of plants and faithful love.

— Cara Iris Miller

Read online Enlightened by Cara Iris Miller

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