Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn explains why he won't work with certain actors. Gunn is one of the few directors who has earned success in both the Marvel and DC universes. His work on Guardians of the Galaxy created one of the most entertaining installments in the MCU, and the sequel earned similar praise. In a shocking twist, Disney fired Gunn from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 when some controversial old tweets surfaced, and though he was soon re-hired, it resulted in Gunn swiftly being picked up by Warner Bros. for 2021's The Suicide Squad. That film and spinoff series Peacemaker have garnered plenty of acclaim and passionate fan bases.


After making headlines during his firing, Gunn has not held back his opinions about the film and TV industry. He was vocal about his experience after being fired, and has since been known to defend actors he works with when they have come under fire online, such as Guardians actor Chris Pratt. Despite his welcoming and accepting mindset when it comes to his collaborators, it seems that there are some lines that Gunn refuses to cross.

Related: Marvel Is Still Suffering From James Gunn's Firing

During a Twitter fan Q&A, Gunn shares his process when it comes to choosing cast and crew for his creative endeavors. In response to a question about recasting, he mentions he won't work with "assholes," and he later follows that up with an explanation of how he vets an actor before hiring them. See the full response below:

Gunn's professionalism comes through in the tweet, and it's clear he is dedicated to creating a comfortable and efficient workplace in the projects he directs. Though he of course declined to share any names from the list of creatives he won't work with, it's good to know that he has good reason behind the names on his personal blacklist. Having previously spoken out about the importance of intimacy coordinators on sets, Gunn seems to thoroughly understand the vulnerability that sometimes accompanies filming. His no-jerks-or-irresponsible-people-policy is his way of ensuring that all actors and crew members feel comfortable and safe while creating, and that everyone he's hired treats the project with respect.

As one of the biggest names in Hollywood right now, it's comforting to know that Gunn takes a rigorous approach to due diligence when hiring actors. In light of the #MeToo movement and other stories that have come out about questionable behavior by actors on film sets, Gunn clearly maintains a no-nonsense policy that benefits and enhances the environment of his sets. While Guardians of the Galaxy 3 will supposedly be Gunn's final MCU movie, it's certain that whatever project he tackles next will boast an upstanding cast and crew.

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