Leading a Life of Joy, Impact, and Abundance

Personal message from the author:
“Many of today’s leaders and executives live their lives in a state of rush. Rush to catch up with time, rush to make more money, rush to stay ahead of the competition, rush to climb up the ladder and gain more power and prestige. They may be perceived as successful and meet all the external measures of success, but when you dig in and go deeper, you may find signs of chronic stress, broken relationships, health issues, lack of meaning, and a general state of unhappiness and unrest.

In my work with high performing leaders, I get the pleasure and honor to be their trusted advisor. Very soon after our initial conversation, and in response to a few penetrating questions, they drop their shields and show their true sense of frustration and dissatisfaction. It is lonely at the top, and they don’t get very many opportunities to speak about their deepest fears, desires, and frustrations. This is where the real work begins. And we start exploring and co-creating a new possibility where they not only can lead a fulfilling life but also can be more successful beyond their expectations.
This book sets the foundation for this work. In working with my clients, and in my own experience, I have discovered that to create a truly fulfilling and balanced life, three ingredients of Joy, Impact, and Abundance need to be present simultaneously. It is like a 3-legged stool, where if one of the legs is weak or short, the structure is not stable. It is living inside the intersection of these three key ingredients that a life of flow and fulfillment is achieved. The state of rushing and constantly doing more is shifted to a state of being in the flow, where thoughts, words, and actions are synergistically and harmoniously aligned toward a meaningful purpose. In this state of being, we have access to and operate from our own innate creativity, wisdom, and resourcefulness. We get to push less and achieve more.

My intention in writing this book was to make it as short, concise and practical as possible. The book is divided into four parts; each part focusing on a core topic of joy, impact, abundance, and freedom. Each part starts with an exploration of core concepts and ideas, followed by a set of practical exercises and practices to help integrate the core concepts into daily life. And each part ends with a set of tools and resources that can help the reader go deeper into the subjects.”
— Nader Vasseghi

Throughout life, we’re invited to go through various levels of transformation, but many of us decide not to answer the calls. Instead, we stay in our comfy boxes where everything makes sense. In doing so, we thwart and limit our world of possibilities, and don’t get a chance to move beyond our caterpillar-like shells and turn into the beautiful butterfly that we are meant to be.

In Path to Freedom, Nader Vasseghi reflects on his own journey of transformation and distills a practical set of insights and guideposts to help readers discover and connect to their purpose, access and bring out fullness of their creativity, and lead a life of joy, impact and abundance.

The path to freedom starts with opening to and recognizing our own true self, finding our way of being and feeling at home with it, and honoring and living in alignment with our heart’s deepest desires.

Read online Path to Freedom by Nader Vasseghi

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